Ch. 13 - The Crowd in Pyschology

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"Mr. Lightwood, please.." the principal said as he stood, walking over to stand in front of Alec. "I am not going to suspend you. I can tell that you enjoy staying here on this campus. You've made a ton of friends, and have found a love interest so Im told," he continued as he smiled softly. "Let's think of this as being your first warning. Just a day of detention after hours okay? I see you having a bright future Alec. I wouldn't want to jeopardize that because you stood up to a bully. And I just want you to know that Mr. Salvatore will be handled" Principal Scottsmen said as he opened the office door, allowing Alec to walk out. Alec smiled softly, walking out of the pricipal's office proudly. As he walked out of the doors, he saw as Magnus ran to him. "Oh Alec, I just heard what happened! Are you okay??" Magnus asked worriedly as he wrapped his arms around Alec's body tightly. Alec sighed contently once he was in Magnus's arms. "Yes I am better than ever. I am tired of holding in my anger. Back home, I was not known for that..." Alec said as he closed his eyes, trailing off at the end of his sentence.  

"Oh Alexander, its okay to let out your anger every now and then" Magnus whispered as he looked up at him, his hand gently carressing his cheek as he moved the hair out of his eyes. "I know.." Alec sighed as he leaned his head into Magnus's hand. "I have to go..." He said softly as he bent down to grab his backpack, throwing it over his shoulder as he walked out to his next class. Even though he was already a little late and he knew that everyone would be talking to him, his education still mattered to him. He was there to go to college, not to worry about bullies or anything other. He just wanted the day to be over with and for him to go back to his dorm.

About fifteen minutes later, he walked into his classroom which was pyschology. As he walked in, a huge group of people came over to him as they clapped and cheered for him. Alec looked around the classroom confused at their reactions. Why were they clapping? Especially for him? He was completely and utterly confused and had no idea what was going on. Was this some joke? Or.. did he actually do something good? The crowd grew silent as a girl took a step forward. "Alec, you had a lot of courage to do that to Damon. A lot of us have put up with his crap for so long now but no one has had the courage to take him down like you did today. Thank you for standig up to that bully" She said softly as she looked up at him. The crowd agreed in agreement by a variety of responses. Ranging from "Yes thank you Alec" to "Alec youre the best".

Alec smiled softly as he looked at the people around him. "You are all very welcome" He said as he nodded at all of them. "Alrighty. Everyone have a seat" The professor said as she came into the room. The crowd dispersed, many now wanting to sit beside Alec. Alec sat in the middle of a row in the middle section of chairs as everyone sat around him. "Good job Mr. Lightwood" The proffessor smiled as she looked at him. Alec smiled softly as he looked around at the people around him. For once, he finally felt totally and completely happy. He was fearless. No one could stand in his way anymore. And for once, he had many friends that enjoyed spending time with him.

AN: Hey guys! Here is another chapter!! I am so glad that Alec is finally happy! He deserves everything in the world :). Please let me know in the comments some ideas that you have for the next few chapters. Any plot lines or story lines or character lines that you have, please let me know!! Continue to like, comment your thoughts, ideas, etc., and share! Don't forget to check out my other story: Power of Love! Thank you all my lovely readers!!

Should I end the story with one last chapter? Or should I continue? Please let me know in the comments!!

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