Ch. 6-I've Had Enough

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As Alec lay there in his room, he couldn't seem to get Magnus out of his mind. His phone buzzed and he slid it open thinking it was Magnus, but it wasn't. It was an unknown number.

Unknown: I have pictures. One wrong move and I'll send it to the whole college.

Alec lay there staring at the message reading it over and over again. Who could this be? Alec thought. Until, one name pooped in his head, Damon. It all made perfect sense. Damon didn't like Alec for whatever reason that was. He had also been bullying Alec and now he has pictures of him and Magnus. Knowing Damon's Brian he will use the to blackmail Alec making him do whatever he says. Ugh I really don't want to go class Thursday now. Alec clicked his phone off and rolled ever soon drifting off to sleep.

The Next Day, Wednesday
Alec woke up to Ethan's alarm which went off at six thirty though class didn't start till eight. Alec tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but Ethan let his alarm ring, never turning it off. So now Alec was awake, while Ethan was STILL asleep. Alec walked over and slide the alarm so it would turn off. Alec was going to lay back down but decided he might as well get ready since he was up now. So Alec gathered his clothes and headed towards the bathroom. While Alec was in the shower, he couldn't stop thinking of the unknown number and what it had said. He honestly didn't want to even show his face today or any other day. He just wanted to run and hide somewhere where no one could ever find him. When Alec opened the shower curtain, getting out, he stared in the mirror in front of him. He looked at his runes spread all across his body and thought of how he showed Magnus some of them last night.  No one knew about them accept Magnus and of course his family. He remembered how he saw Magnus's ability that no one else knew about. It was their little secret. Alec got dressed and walked out of the bathroom, allowing Ethan to enter. He walked over to pick up his phone, scrolling though his notifications. He cleared most of them, mostly being YouTube subscriptions, coming across a message from Magnus:

Magnus💕: Goodmorning Alec.... I hope you have a wonderful day today!! Can't wait to see you Thursday!! Maybe we could have lunch?? Or dinner?? ;-)

Magnus always made Alec feel bette when he was feeling hurt. He had always been there for Alec since day one, when Damon started bullying him. Magnus always stood up for Alec, no matter when or where. Alec finally replied:

A: Morning to you too Magnus... I'm ready to see you also Thursday.... Maybe we could meet somewhere off campus for lunch? I have some news....

Alec clicked his phone off as he put it into his black leather jacket pocket. He grabbed his book bag and headed out of the door. First he had Science class with Mrs. Chase. Alec didn't really care about science because he was more of a Math nerd. He made it to her classroom noticing a few people in there. For example, he notices the small brown haired girl that accompanied him at lunch yesterday before being taken away. She was sitting in a desk in the back of the room so Alec decided to take the seat beside her. "Goodmorning... um... Is it Alec?" The girl said as he sat down. He could think of so many smart remarks but he decided to be nice because she was to him.

"Yeah it's Alec... Goodmorning.. Um..."

"Danielle," The girl said introducing herself. "Right," Alec said smiling as he turned back to the front to face the board. He was so glad that class finally started, and Damon wasn't there, though s girlfriend, Kara, was there Anyways the teacher finally started the lesson. Alec wasn't really paying attention mostly because he didn't care for science. He looked to the right of him at Danielle, who for a cheerleader, was very interested in the lesson. Alec wasn't real sure what the lessons was about, something about space. He took his phone to check the time, 8:29. Ugh this class is going by so slow thought Alec. He had till 11 o'clock before he could leave. So he realized he had three new messages from Magnus:

Magnus💕: Sorry I can't make lunch or dinner today. I have a lot of  papers to look over. What do you have to tell me?

Magnus💕: Alexander what happened??

Magnus💕: Alec are you okay?? Please text me!!

Oh Magnus thought Alec as he silently laughed at the messages before replying:

A: Magnus, I'm fine.... Nothing happened... I'm okay, I guess

Alec stared at his phone waiting for Magnus to reply

Magnus💕: I guess? What happened Alexander? I can't have my boyfriend hurt..

A: Nothing...

Magnus💕: Oh okay..

Before Alec could reply he heard his name, "Mr. Lightwood, would you like to tell the class who you are so deep in conversation with?" Mrs.  Chase said now appearing beside his desk. "Um... No ma'am... Not really..." Alec said looking up at her. "It's probably his boyfriend..." Kara said as every in the class started laughing. "Kara, enough," Danielle said as Kara turned back around with a roll of her eyes. "You might get this back," Mrs. Chase said taking Alec's phone. Alec didn't want to get in anymore trouble so he gave it to her and she returned to the front of the classroom, placing it on her desk. I thought it was Damon, but maybe it could Kara Alec thought. After hours of this boring lesson, the bell finally rang. Everyone stood up, packing their things. "Have a great day class!! Don't forget to log on and do your homework on today's lesson. Also, Mr. Lightwood, I need to see you," Mrs. Chase said as she sat down behind her desk. After everyone left, Alec made his way to her desk. "Mr. Lightwood, you understand why I took your phone, correct?" Mrs Chase said though Alec didn't reply. "I don't mind you having your phone out, but you were not paying attention at all..." She said as she paused. She looked at Alec's phone as it lit up. "It seems like your boyfriend is concerned about you so..." She said as she picked up Alec's phone and handed him his phone. Shocked at first, Alec took his phone. He had six messages:

Magnus💕: Alexander?

Magnus💕: Alec did anything happen?


Magnus💕: Did Damon do something?

Alec replied:
A: No Damon didn't do anything; I got my phone taken because I was texting you

Alec cleared off of those messages, but realized he still had two unread messages:

Unknown: Awe poor thing got his phone taken today .....

Unknown: Your lucky you got your phone back, all because your little "boyfriend" was worried 😒

Alec ignored the message and clicked his phone off, it soon buzzing:

1 New Message from Magnus💕

Magnus💕: Alexander I'm so sorry.... I didn't know you were in class

Alec was so into replying to Magnus, he hadn't realized that Damon along with his friends and girlfriend was walking towards him. "Replying to your boyfriend?" Damon said laughing, the others joining him. Alec couldn't handle it any longer. "Why do you treat me this way? What did I ever do to you?" Alec said walking closer to Damon, the attention on them, "What did you say to me?" Damon said looking offended and angry. "You heard me, Damon," Alec said defensive walking towards Damon now in his face. "I don't think you want to do that... I have pictures, thanks to your buddy Ethan, and I'm not afraid to send them," Damon said as he pushed Alec back. "You know what Damon? Send them. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm not ashamed to be gay..." Alec said as he walked off. What Alec didn't realize, Magnus had heard everything and Alec didn't bother to say anything....

A/N: Hope you enjoyed!!! Check out my other Malec story: Power Of Love!! MAJOR CLIFFHANGER: Magnus had heard everything.... Oh my god Magnus was there!!! Will he tell Alec??

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