Two: & Peggy

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Hours Later

I walked up the stairs with Herc, John and Alex by my side, making jokes the whole way home. They were so nice and funny, Laf was extremely charming. He had gone home after about three hours, but it had started to get late, so the guys walked me home- even though they lived next door.  We walked up the the third floor laughing at a corny joke Alex made before they walked me to my door.
"Thanks for today, guys," I said.
"Anytime! It's fun having a girl around," Alex smiled.
"Yeah! The closest we had was Laf!" Herc joked, we all laughed.
"I think Laf really likes you Peggy," Alex added, I blushed and looked at the ground.
"Speaking of, I have to call him. I'll meet you guys inside," John replied, they nodded, waved goodbye, and went inside the apartment across from mike. "Sorry about Burr today. He's an asshole."
"Thanks for saving me from him, though. If you weren't there who knows what would have happened," I responded while rubbing my arm with my other hand.
"Who knows. Perfecting timing, I guess," he smiled, I smiled at the ground. "Hey- if he tried to bother you again- tell me. I'll set him straight."
"You remind me so much of Angelica," I said. "Protecting, funny, adorable, charming, and always nice to the right people."
"So, I'm charming and adorable, huh?" He asked with a smirk.
"Did I...I say that?" I stuttered, I felt my cheeks burn red. "S...Sorry."
"Ah, don't be. You're not so bad yourself," he replied, I smiled. Then, I walked over and hugged him right around the neck. He hugged me around the waist for at least two minutes, before he let go. I looked at him, he was starring behind me. When I looked- Angelica and Eliza stood there.
"I'll... Ugh, see you around," he said, we walked over to the staircase and pulled out his phone- probably calling Laf. I looked back at the girls- and Eliza yanked me by the hand and dragged me inside- Angelica slammed the door.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Eliza screamed.
"I told you I was going for a walk," I responded calmly.
"Eliza said be back at six! It's ten thirty! What the fuck, Peggy? It's our first day back and you go missing- you have us a heart attack!" Angelica screamed.
"Oh, NOW you care? You didn't seem to care when you slammed the door in my face earlier and left me outside!" I yelled back, they paused.
"Who was he?" Eliza asked, I paused. "The boy you were hugging- who was he?"
"H-His names Laurnes. John, Laurens. He's our neighbor," I stuttered.
"So you ditched your sisters to go around with a boy?! Dress like- that?" Angelica screamed.
I looked down at my clothes. Light blue shorts with a real crop top, and a yellow plaid vest. My shoes were a dark brown with a small black heel. "What about my clothes?"
"They give off the wrong message! You look like a prostitute!" Angelica burst out. "It's raining- how were to not cold?!"
"Did you just call me a prostitute?!" I screamed. "How am I the whore? I went out for food and ran into John and his friends! I didn't have sex, flirt, or even KISS anyone- he's just my FRIEND!"
"Angelica's just worried," Eliza finally said.
"NOW you're worried?! You weren't worried this morning when you totally left me behind because you wanted to pick out your bedrooms! Or when you didn't even order my mattress for it to be on time! Where am I even going to sleep
tonight?" I screamed, nobody said a word. "I'm always neglected in this family! Nobody ever cares about what happens to Peggy. I'm always just 'and Peggy.' I'll ALWAYS just be 'and Peggy.' I'll always be known as jut the youngest Schuyler sister. My own sisters don't care about me!"
"That's not true-"
"Not true?! Some twenty something year old dude tried to totally hit on me and was grabbing at me- and you know who was there to help me? John. John, and his friends Alex and Herc. Either of you even asked what happened to me or if I was okay- you were just both pissed that I found people who want to be around me- because neither of you at are center of attention for ONE DAY you have to scream at me?!" I screamed- Angelica and Eliza just started at me for a long time. I wiped the tears that were dripping off my chin and walked over to the door.
"Don't even try to convince me to stay. Maybe I'll go sleep outside! Seems to me that nobody fucking cares about me anymore!"
Before either of them could say anything, I opened the door and ran out- slamming it behind me. I started bursting out crying as I headed for the stairs- John was still there on the phone.
"Laf, can you just-" he looked over at me. "Ill call you back."
I kept walking to the stairs- I didn't care for John right now.
"Peggy! What happened? Are you-"
I pushed John away from me and ran down the stairs. I heard him calling my name but I didn't care. I ran to the first floor of the building and out the front doors and started running around the sidewalks and streets. Rain drops fell down and onto my face, clothes and hair- but I didn't care. Cars honked but I ignored it and just ran and walked around for at least thirty minutes. I ended up in some park- but nobody was around. It was way too late.
I stepped into the park and looked around. There were swing sets, slides, picnic tables, monkey bars and more stuff for kids. I went over to the picnic table and sat at the one in the middle. I put my elbows on the table and buried my face in my hands and just cried. I'm always left behind. I'm always ignored. I'm always just... And Peggy. That's all I'll ever be.
I sat by myself and cried for at least ten minutes before I felt and heard someone sit next to me. I looked over- it was John. We started at each other for a minute before he pulled me into his chest and let me bawl my eyes out. He whispered to me and told me 'I'm here. It'll be okay.' And ran his hand through my hair and rubbed my back.
He stood up after a couple of minutes and helped me up. He took off his sweatshirt and wrapped it around my shoulders- then, he wrapped his arm around me and started hurrying over to a car that had its lights on. He opened the back door for me and let me in, then shut it once I was sitting down. He ran to the other side and sat in the passengers seat- I looked up- Alex was in the driver seat.
I sat in the back and pulled my knees up to my face and just cried. I tried to be quiet- but it didn't work. Soon enough, we pulled up to the apartment building. John hurried out and ran over to my side and opened the door for me, grabbed me and hurried me inside while Alex went to park the car. John helped me inside and walked me up the stairs, and back to my room. He went to knock on the door, but I pulled his hand away.
"I...I can't..." I stuttered.
He nodded, stopped and started thinking for a second, then lead me to his apartment. He let me inside and shut the door behind me. I didn't bother looking at the apartment- I didn't care. I just wanted to be with John. He kept his arm wrapped around me as he lead me through a hallway and into another room- his bedroom.
He sat me on the bed as he ran to his closets and started digging out clothes. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants, socks, and a baggy sports shirt.
"Just... Get dressed and comfortable, okay? I'm going to talk to your sisters. Let them know you're safe," He said, I nodded, and he left the room.

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