Four: Jefferson

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After a few hours of staying at John's I decided I needed to go back and talk to the girls. John walked me to the door, hugged me, then went back home. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door twice. Footsteps hurried over and the door ripped open. Eliza stood there with her black hair a mess, a baggy light blue varsity jersey and knee high white socks. I smiled at her, and she pulled me inside and hugged me tightly as she shut the door behind me.

"I've been so worried..." She whispered. "Angie said you were with the neighbors... Were they good top you? Did they hurt you? Touch you?"
"No, no, nothing like that. They were... Really, really, REALLY sweet to me. Especially John," I answered as she finally let go.
"God, I thought they would have hurt you or something... Angie was really worried. She's in the study. Let's go see her," Eliza said, I nodded, and she pulled my hand and walked me through the hallways.

She walked past her bedroom and Angie's and opened a door at the end of the hallway. Inside there were a few bookshelves that were mostly empty, a desk that Angie was sitting at, a radio in the corner and two couches. Angie looked up at Eliza and I, shot up and ran over and hugged me.

"God... God dammit, Peggy... You scared me..." She said as she let go of me.
"I know. I know. I'm sorry," I replied.
"Don't be. I'm sorry for screaming at you yesterday. You didn't dress like a prostitute, and you're not a whore. I... I just have to get used to the fact that my baby sister is eighteen now. You're not so much of a baby anymore, huh?" She giggled.
"No, no I'm not. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to need you guys anymore. Christ, Angie- we LIVE together! I'm always going to need you and Eliza, no matter how old I get," I responded.
"Good. Because I know I'm always going to need my Peggy," Eliza said, I smiled and laughed.

And after that, we all stayed together for the next two months. Angie and Eliza got full time jobs, but they said I didn't need to get one just yet. John and I became closer than ever, even though Angelica and Eliza didn't like it. Burr had tried a few things over the months, but whenever I told him 'I'm sixteen,' he ran.

It was about seven o' clock, and Angie was staying at a late shift, and Eliza was at home. I was outside getting a drink at a small cafe, I needed some alone time. I didn't know too many people, but- I had made some friends. Like James and his girlfriend Maria, they were nice.

Anyways, after I finished my drink, I paid the lady and headed back home. I plugged in my headphones into my phone and listened to my music. My high-heeled boots clicked against the pavement on the sidewalks, but then, I bumped into someone when I wasn't looking. I tripped over my heels and fell on my butt, and it yanked out my headphones. I looked up- and a man I hadn't seen before stood in front of me. His hair was black and puffy, and he had a sharp beard on his face. His shirt was a baggy purple color and his jeans were a jet black, matching his Timberland's- he reminded me of Lafayette.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he helped me up.
"Yeah... Yeah. Sorry, you good?" I asked while brushing off my skirt.
"I'm fine, thanks," he replied. "Haven't seen you around here before. You new?"
"Kinda. Moved here about two months ago," I answered.
He smirked. "Name's Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson."

Jefferson... Didn't Laf say something about him?

"Peggy Shuyler," I responded as I shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you- I've heard a lot about you," he said, still smirking.
"How?" I asked.
"My friend Aaron said he met you before," Thomas answered, I raised an eyebrow. "Aaron Burr."
"Oh," I sighed. "Yeah, yeah I met him," I said while rubbing the back of my neck.
"Why so sad? You seem as you're not happy you met me."

I turned around instantly- Burr. Burr walked up behind me with another guy I hadn't seen before. I took a few steps backwards, but I ended up bumping back into Thomas. Thomas put his hands on my shoulders and started rubbing them, but I just... Froze. I didn't know what to do. Thomas pulled me away from the main street and behind a closed building.

"Y'know, Peggy, it's rude to lie about your age," Burr said as him and the other man came closer to Thomas and I. "It was stupid of me to think you were sixteen, especially with a beautiful hourglass figure like yours."
"We both know you're eighteen, according to Lafayette. So, why lie, Peggy? You scared of me?" Burr asked as he got even closer.
"Can you blame me?" I whispered.
He laughed. "Well, how about we see what's up that skirt of yours?"

He placed his hand on my thigh and started slowly working his way up my skirt. I tried to yell but it wasn't loud enough, so I just kicked him in the stomach so he'd back away. But, he just laughed again.

"Feisty. I like it," he said, Thomas and the other guy laughed.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled as I finally got Thomas off me.

I pushed the other two out of the way and ran down the streets and sidewalks and made my way back home. I hurried up the stairs and got to my door, and started pulling out my keys. But, how could I explain to Eliza why I took so long? Or why my clothes were dirty? I couldn't tell Eliza, she'd try and go after them and get hurt herself. So, I turned around, and knocked on John's door.

I stood there for a minute before footsteps came closer, and the door opened. Herc stood there smiling and laughing with a red cup in his hand, but his smile dropped when he saw that I had been crying. He set his cup down on the table and let me inside. I looked around- Alex, Laf, and John were sitting on the couch playing video games and listening to Spanish music. Herc shut the door behind me, but nobody seemed to notice me- but I'm used to that.

"Um... Guys?" Herc called out.

They all looked over at me and Herc, and their smiles dropped. Alex paused the music and Laf paused the game and they all came rushing over. John didn't even have to say anything to me, he just pulled me into his chest and let me cry. I always felt so safe in his arms.

"Belle femme- what has happened to you?" Laf asked, I just cried and sniffled until I could make some words out.

"I...I was walking home, a-and I bumped into some...someone, and his friends came, and pushed m-me into an alleyway, and slipped... His hand up my skirt..." I stuttered out, I went back to crying in John's chest. "I...I couldn't tell Eliza... She'd have a p-panic attack..."
"Who was it? I'll fucking kill them," Herc growled.
I didn't say anything. I didn't want there to be a fight.
John pulled himself off me and put his hands on my shoulders and starred at me right in my eyes.

His beautiful green eyes...

"Peggy, I know that you know who did this to you. Who touched you? Who harassed you?" He asked.
"I...I can't! You'll k-kill them..." I stuttered.
"Damn right we are!" Alex yelled.
"Peggy," Laf said as he took my hand. "I do not think you want him doing this to other femmes, do you?"
"Of course not..." I replied, wiping my eyes.
"Then tell us," Herc replied.
I sniffled over and over again, before looking John in his eyes.

"Jefferson and Burr!" I yelled out, then I buried my face back in my hands and cried, John pulled me back into his chest.
"Ces cochons! Comment osent-ils toucher Peggy!" Laf screamed out, but I didn't understand what he said.
"I'll fucking kill them. NOBODY touches Peggy," John growled.
"Peggy you have to tell Angelica or Eliza," Alex said.
"I...I know... I just don't know how to say it..." I replied.
"Where were they? I'm going after them," Herc growled.
"They're gone. They left," I replied before Herc could leave. "I kicked Burr in the stomach."
"Good. But that's HALF of what they're getting from us," Alex responded.
"Please, don't-"
"Nobody EVER touches you Peggy without your consent. NOBODY. ESPECIALLY Burr or Jefferson," John replied. "C'mon, I'll walk you home.

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