Nine: Frenchman

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I grabbed Peggy's hand and pulled her away from mes amies and sat her on a park bench. I looked over at the guys who were arguing, but I couldn't bear them so they couldn't hear us.

I didn't even know what to say to Miss Peggy. If I tell her John's a cheat- she'll be mine! John would say he's fine... but he'd be lying.

I know John. He fell in love with her the moment he laid eyes on Peggy. But so did I. Peggy is special. She is unique. She is different. She is perfect.

But, If I tell her I love her- what would change? John would still be in love with her, she would never give me a chance, we'd still be friends. There was no point. There was no hope.

"Peggy..." I started. "You know I think you are étourdissant. You're so funny and charming... And you know how my feelings are towards John and you. I did not like it," I said, then I sighed. "But... belle femme I know what love looks like and John Laurens loves you. If you know Maria Reynolds- she's a sex crazy addict. She just missed John. John froze, he panicked. But Miss Peggy I'm sure that he loves you."

Peggy sat across from me and stared at me. She blinked quickly and looked off, probably thinking about what to do with John. "I love him."

Those words sounded like nails on a chalk board. Peggy loves John. Not me. John loves Peggy. They love each other.

"Then go get him," I said with a fake smile. "He's waiting for you. John is in love with you. I've never seen him like this with anyone."

Peggy let out a faint smile. "I don't know. I love him. Fuck, I fucking love him so much. But how do you get over catching the person you love with another women?"
I sighed. "Forgive and forget, I guess. You're right. He let in another women. But his last intention was to get her to grind on him. He wants nothing romantic to do with her, Miss Peggy. He was just being a good person."
"A good person? He didn't try and push her off, Laf. He clearly has some intentions with her," Peggy sighed while she wiped her eyes, trying to stop tears from falling out of her eyes.
"He's a fucking idiot. That's no lie. But he does not want anything to do with Maria. She came after him." I responded.
"What do I do now?" Peggy sighed.
"Take your time. Go relax. This decision can only be made by you."
I stood up, reached out my hand, and helped her up. She ran into my arms and hugged me, I hugged back. God, I want to hold her forever. I had one chance. And I fucking blew it. She stayed there, and I kissed her forehead.

I didn't actually realize what I was doing. I expected Peggy to slap me and go running back to John or Aaron. But she didn't. She just kept hugging me. I didn't realize the damage until I heard 'Ill kill you, Laf!' from behind. I turned around- John was running at me. I pushed Peggy behind me and was ready for a fight.

John pushed off Alex and Herc and hurried over to us, but Peggy stood in front of me. John didn't care. He grabbed Peggy's hand and pulled her away.

"I fucking told you. Stay away from my girl." John snapped as he pushed me. I pushed back.
"Don't cheat on her and that won't happen," I snapped back.

John and I started to actually fight. We had never gotten into an actual fist fight before. Herc, Alex, Peggy, and even Aaron were pulling as apart, but Peggy was trying to get in the middle. Nobody was really winning the fight. We just had so much anger towards each other that we had to get it out.

"Knock it off!" Peggy screamed as she tried to push us apart. But it didn't work. John and I were a lot stronger than us.
"Peggy get out of there!" Alex yelled, but she wouldn't listen. "You're going to get hurt!"

I got John in the jaw and he knocked me in the nose. But we kept going. We didn't care. But I didn't see what happened next. It happened way too fast.

Peggy was tying too hard to stop it. She went to John and grabbed his arm, but ended up getting knocked in the face herself. She fell to her knees and held her nose, blood was dripping out like crazy.

John and I stopped, and froze. Everyone ran over to Peggy to see if she was okay. She was crying and bleeding, we didn't even know who hit her.

"Peggy... Peggy... Peux-tu m'entendre? Ça va?" I asked, she didn't say anything. "Vous allez être bien. Tu es oka."
(Translate: Can you hear me? Are you okay? You're going to be fine. You're okay."

John grabbed her and pulled her up to her feet, but her hand stayed on her nose. When she finally removed her hand and looked at all the blood, she started to get shaky.

"Is... Anyone else dizzy?" She asked as she started to fall, but John caught her before she did.
"Hey, you're okay baby. You're going to be fine," John said, she just nodded and started breathing heavy like she was having a panic attack.

People that were nearby ran over and asked what happened and if she was okay. There wasn't many, it was too early. We explained everything to those who asked, and tried to get her on her feet.

I have Herc my car keys and we all got inside. Even Aaron. Awe drove back to the apartment and got Peggy inside John's apartment. She sat on the couch and we all ran to her aid.

We all stood around her and tried to help, but she wouldn't say anything. She was out cold. Nobody knew what to do- but we all knew someone who did.
Angelica and Eliza Schuyler.

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