Ten: Stay Alive

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Pounding on the door echoed throughout the house. The Schuyler sisters. I walked over and opened the door, they both stood there. They tried to push past me, but I wanted them calm.

"Where's my sister?" Angelica screamed.
"Angelica, wait, we brought her in a half an hour ago. She's covered in blood-"
"Is she okay?" Eliza interrupted.
"Yes- but you half to understand. She got knocked in the face really hard-"
"Can we see her- please?" They both asked at the same time.
I sighed and pushed to the side, Eliza and Angelica ran inside. I shut the door and walked over, Angelica was on her knees and Eliza stood above Peggy, playing with her hair. Angelica was holding her hand while Alex gave her a wet towel to clean the blood off with.

"Peggy?" Angelica asked.
"She won't reply. She's knocked out," Herc sighed.
"Who did this?" Eliza asked, then she looked at me with anger. "John Laurens- did you know?!"
"It... We don't know," I sighed.
"How did you not know?! She was with you! Who did she get into it with?!" Angelica screamed.
"She didn't. It was John and I. She tried to break it up- everyone was pulling and punching and she just got hit by accident. I don't know who punched her. It could have been any of us," Laf explained, the room fell silent.
"How DARE you! We told you to stay away from her!" Eliza snapped.
"I know-"
"This is why! I knew she'd get hurt if she stayed around you rascals. How could you?!" Angelica interrupted.
"We never want you around her again!" Angelica screamed.
"But, I love-"
"Stay away from my little-"
"I love Peggy Schuyler, okay?! She's been my girlfriend for months and I fucking love her!"

The room fell silent, nobody said anything. Alex and Herc were smiling, Laf was frozen, Eliza raised an eyebrow at me, but Angelica turned red with anger.

"You will never date a Schuyler sister. Ever. Peggy will never see you again after today. You don't deserve her. If I EVER see you with her again, I will hurt you," Angelica said.

Before I could say anything, Peggy started moving. Her eyes squeezed shut before fluttering, then opening slowly. She didn't say anything, she just looked around the room. Took in her surroundings.

"Angel? Eliza? What are you doing here?" She asked.
Eliza looked sweet and relieved- Angelica was still angry.
"Can you stand?" Angelica asked.

Peggy pushed herself up, and Eliza held out a hand to pull her up. Angelica reached over and grabbed Peggy by the wrist and yanked her away from us, dragged her into the hallway and slammed the door behind them.


What the hell was going on? Last thing I remember was pulling apart Laf and John's fight. Then, I'm being dragged out of their apartment by my sisters. What did I get myself into?

Angelica kicked open our apartment door and yanked me inside. Eliza followed behind and shut the door behind her. I stood there and stared at the both of them, Angelica was burning red.

"The ONE thing we told you! The one fucking rule! Stay away from John Laurens! He's bad news, Peggy! He only wants you for our money! He doesn't give a damn about you or your feelings! He wants the name 'Schuyler' in his family. He doesn't want you!" Angelica screamed, Eliza stood silent.
"Please! Don't bring ME into YOUR petty fight with George! You think that just because he was only with you because of your money- ANY guy that gives me affection wants money. John doesn't even KNOW about our financial system! He doesn't even know who our father is!" I spat back, Angelia took a step back and took a deep breath in.
"John Laurnes is exactly like every other man in this world. He wants a sexy girl with money. That's you, Peggy. You think he cares about you? He doesn't. He cares about money. That's all you have to offer," Angelica screamed, Eliza smacked her on the arm.
"EXCUSE ME?" I bursted out. "I can sing, dance, cook, paint, play piano, and a whole lot of other shit! Just because nobody ever cares about you or your feelings doesn't mean I have to isolate myself from any guy that shows me affection. I FUCKING LOVE JOHN LAURENS. Happy?!"
Angelica looked hurt. "Get out."
"Get. Out." Angelica repeated. "You says nobody cares about me? Fine. Have it your way. But as long as you don't pay a single fucking bill for this apartment you can get out. Pack your shit, and fucking leave."
"Angelica you're just upset," Eliza cooed.
"No. I'm fine," Angelica answered calmly. "Peggy you have five minutes to pack your shit. Go live across the hall with your boyfriend. But don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart."
"Angelica stop. She's your little sister-"
"And so are you. I'm here to protect the ones I love. Clearly- Peggy made it pretty clear she's eighteen and can make her own decisions. So, go. Leave. We don't need 'And Peggy' walking around wasting the space."

Eliza and I froze. And Peggy. That's all I'll ever be. Angelica turned and walked down the other end of the hallway, and slammed her bedroom door shut. I did the same. I pulled bags out of my closet and started putting together my things while fighting back tears.

"Hey," Eliza said as she opened the door.
"Go away. I'm leaving," I responded.
"Peggy, Angelica didn't mean those things. She was just mad. In the heat of the moment she said some things she didn't mean," Eliza sighed.
I grabbed my back pack and my other bag. "I'd like to hear that from her."
Eliza stood there and said nothing. "That's what I thought," I snapped.

I pushed by her and walked right out the apartment and approached John's door. But I stopped. He just cheated on me. I can't go crawling back. He could take advantage of me- do it again! I'm not a helpless girl. I can take care of myself.

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