Eight: Mr. Burr, Sir

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After the entire catastrophe with John and his side whore, I was completely mentally drained. I didn't know what to feel or what to do, so I just went to my bedroom and didn't tell Eliza or Angelica. It was two in the morning- I didn't want to bother them. They would just tell me 'I told you so.'

I laid in bed with tears dripping down my face for at least an hour before I finally fell asleep. John never came by- he was probably too busy with Maria. I'm glad he didn't come back; but a part of me wishes he did.

I woke up the next morning about five hours later. Angelica left for work around six, but I could hear Eliza in the kitchen. I didn't want to face her- what could I say? 'Hey! Remember that  boy you warned me about but I totally blew you off because I love him? Yeah! He cheated on me!' Eliza would scream at me and Angel would end up in jail for the murder of John.

Which at this point I was okay with.

I waited for about half an hour before Eliza finally left the house. I couldn't stay here. I couldn't stay in the same building with John across the hall fucking Maria Reynolds. She was my friend! How could they do this to me?

I forced myself out of bed and threw on a random outfit. I put on black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt that said 'ANTI-YOU' across it and combat boots. I threw my hair in a messy bun, didn't bother with any makeup, put on some Aviators and left the house.

I walked around aimlessly for at least two hours. My phone was blowing up with texts, phone calls and Facetimes from Alex, Herc, Laf, and John. I ended up blocking all their numbers just to give me a moment of peace.

As I continued walking, I came across the Moonbeam Cafe, the first place I came when I moved in. Nobody I knew was around, so I went inside, ordered a muffin and a black coffee and sat outside and ate by myself.

I liked the quiet. It's quiet uptown. Eliza loves the uptown- I wonder if she would like it. Anyways, ten minutes later, someone walked into the area. I looked up, and Aaron Burr walked inside. We made eye contact for five seconds before he shook his head and went inside.

I stared back at the empty plate in front of me and my almost empty coffee while playing on my phone. Then, another small black coffee was set in front of me, and when I looked up, Burr stood there with another coffee for him.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now," he said before I could shoo him away. "You look sad. I'm not here to harass you, I'm here to apologize."
I pushed myself up as Burr slowly sat down in front of me. "Go on."
"I panicked. When we first met, you were beautiful. An amazing sight. I wanted you, Peggy. But I fucked up. I know words can never explain how sorry I am and you might never forgive me, but from the bottom of my heart I am sorry."
I looked down at my lap and nodded my head twice. I sighed and took a sip of the coffee Aaron bought me, and we sat there in silence for a minute for two.
"What happened?"
I looked up, he was staring at me with concern on his face.
"It's that obvious?" I tried to joke, he nodded, I sighed. "John cheated!"
"John cheated?"
"Fucking cheated!"
"John fucking cheated?!"

I took a deep breath and tried to fight back the tears that I knew were going to come eventually. Aaron started at me with concern all over his face.

"I went to his apartment at like two AM. I heard noises and someone crying outside and the banging on someone's door. When I got outside, I saw some female figure walk into John's apartment and close the door- but not all the way. I went into the room and when I saw her there, half naked grinding on John, I-I lost it. I said to stay away and to never talk to me again," I explained. "Fucking Maria Reynolds."
"Yikes. He downgraded," Aaron joked, I smiled. "You don't deserve that cheater. You're Peggy fucking Schuyler! You're beautiful, funny, rich, charismatic and stunning. You can have anyone you want."
I starred at him for a minute. "How'd you know about the money in my family?"
"Your dad and mine worked together. They were close," Aaron replied. "I won't tell anyone. I'm a trust fund- you can trust me."

I smiled at his stupid remark and looked at my thighs and just smiled for a second. Taking in everything that's happened over the last few months. I moved her. Got harassed twice. Fell in love. Got my heart broken. And now- Aaron Burr? A nice guy? Sense when?

"I'm not trying to hit on you. I promise. I'm just trying to make you feel better," Aaron smiled faintly, I smiled back.

Aaron and I chatted for maybe twenty minutes just talking and drinking coffee. He made me laugh and smile with stupid jokes and dorky faces. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black camero with red rims pull into the parking lot.

Laf's car.

"Aaron, let's go," I said as I stood up, he looked behind me, noticed the car, and nodded.
We both stood up and started gathering our stuff together, and sure enough, John, Alex, Herc, and Laf all stepped out and started hurrying over to us. Aaron grabbed my hand and started pulling me away, but they caught up to us and stood in front of us so we couldn't go anywhere.

"Seriously, Burr? Still tying to get with Peggy? She's not interested," Herc growled, Aaron let out a sly laugh.
"Oh how the tables have turned," he replied, he pushed me behind him so John wouldn't touch me. "Last time I checked I didn't cheat on her."
John took a step forward to Aaron, but Herc pulled him back. 
"She's my girl-"
"Really? I thought Maria was your girl?" Aaron snapped. Again, John went for him, but Alex and Herc pulled him back.
"Peggy, please- can we just talk about this? You don't know the whole story," John begged.
"I don't need the whole story. You fucking cheated!" I screamed. This time- I went for John, but Aaron had to hold me back.
"Peggy, voulez-vous me parler?" Laf asked. I paused, then nodded.
(Translation: Peggy, will you talk to me?)
"Aaron, give me a Laf a minute," I said, Aaron nodded and stood with John, Herc, and Alex. Laf walked over,  grabbed my hand, and pulled me over to a bench away from them. This should be fun.

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