Five: Maria

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I went up to the front door and put in my keys, my hand shaking the whole time. John was staying with me, I needed his support. I unlocked the door and pushed it open, Eliza was sitting on the couch watching TV eating popcorn, she looked at John and I and smiled, and motioned for us to come inside. Once she stood up and looked at how much of a mess I was, she gasped and ran over to me.

"Peggy! What happened?!" She yelled as she pulled me to her, then she looked at John. "What did you do to her!?"
"No, Eliza- it wasn't John. I was walking home, a-and... these guys... Grabbed me, a-and they tried... T-to... Slip their hands up... Up my skirt," I stuttered out, holding back the tears.
"Oh my God... Are you alright? Who was it?" Eliza asked while holding me.
"I...I don't know," I lied.
"Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr," John spat out. "Peggy don't lie to Eliza. She just wants to help."
Eliza looked at John and glared. "You told HIM and not your sister?"
"Eliza... I just d-didn't want you going after him," I replied.
Eliza looked back at John. "Thanks for bringing her back. You can go."
John shrugged, waved goodbye, and left the apartment and back into his.
"Peggy- what's going on with you and him?" Eliza asked. "You're addicted to him like hes a drug. I feel like you trust him or than you trust me and Angie..."
"Eliza, it's not like that. I don't know. He's just... Comforting. He's nice to be around, y'know? It's nice that for once- he wants ME. Someone wants ME- for once I'm not just 'and Peggy...' I AM someone to him." I replied while smiling.
She starred at me. "Do you have a crush on him or something?" She asked.
I felt my cheeks get hot. "Maybe..."
"Peggy stay away from him. I-I don't know what his deal is, but- he's bad news. Trust me," Eliza spat, I looked at her then slowly pushed her away.
"Bad news? Eliza, he's been the most helpful person throughout these months," I said.
"I know... I think it's just a re-bound. Peggy, before we moved, you were with Samuel- and he cheated on you. Are you SURE you're not just using John to make yourself feel better?" She asked, I starred at her. "Do you REALLY want a relationship? Or do you just like the idea of someone wanting you?"
"You know what I want? I want a sister who can focus on the fact that I was attacked by three men and helps me! Not someone who ignores it, and blames me for other things!" I yelled, she closed her eyes, then looked at the ground, then back at me.
"I know... I'm sorry. I'll tell Angie when she get's home, okay? She'll take care of them," she sighed. "I'm never good at this stuff..."
I sighed back, nobody said anything for a minute. "I'm going to go back and see John. Make sure he doesn't kill Burr-"
"No. I said stay away," Eliza interrupted.
"Eliza I'm not fourteen anymore, okay? I'm eighteen. I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions. I don't need your guidance," I said while heading for the door- but she jumped in front of me.
"This is mine and Angelica's house. We pay the rent, we pay for everything else, we do EVERYTHING. So, I ask you to stay away from this boy, that's it- and you ignore me?! No. Angie agrees with me. You're spending too much time with John and you're ignoring your family. Go to sleep or something. You've had a bad day," she yelled, I starred at her. Eliza never yells.
"GO!" She screamed.

I paused, but she didn't say anything else. I walked to my bedroom and slammed the door behind me, then flopped on my bed and starred at the ceiling for a few minutes. Then, I got an idea. I whipped out my phone and clicked on John's contact, then texted him.

PEGGY: you gonna be awake in a few hours ?

JOHN: duh.

PEGGY: leave ur door open .


"What the hell, Thomas? You said she'd be all over me once we did that," I said as I walked into Jefferson's house, James was with him already.
"I told you, this process takes time," Jefferson rolled his eyes. "Why do you think she's here?"

A girl was sitting on the chair next to James. Her brown hair was curled and pushed off to the side. She had a red low-cut crop top on with a black plaid jacket, then black ripped jeans with red high heels on. I knew that face from anywhere.

"What's Maria going to do? Beat up Peggy? She can't exactly seduce a girl," I said while crossing my arms.
"Maria's John's ex girlfriend. So, when Peggy and John are official, she's going to go to John's apartment and seduce him, make John cheat on Peggy, then Peggy will be so heartbroken she'll run away. You'll be waiting outside. Follow her, make her trust you, give her a shoulder to cry on. Then, she'll be all yours," Jefferson explained, Maria smirked.
"I miss Jackey. Such a cutie, not to mention, not so bad in bed," she laughed. "Peggy won't know what hit her."

Three Hours Later

At around eleven o' clock, I opened my door slowly and peeked outside. All the lights were off and it was quiet- Eliza and Angie were asleep. I tip-toed around the house and to the front door and silently and slowly opened it. I snuck outside and shut the door behind me, and hurried across the hall. I opened John's door and walked inside- he knew I was coming. The lights were off except in Herc's room, where I could hear Herc and Laf talking inside. I went into John's room and looked around- he was sleeping. He looked so peaceful. Time to ruin it.

I shut the door behind me and silently walked over to John's bed. I kicked off my shoes and jumped on top of John, and he instantly woke up. He started groaning while I started laughing, then he looked over and realized it was me and NOT Alex or Herc.

"Hey... Did I fall asleep on you?" He said with a raspy voice.

It was so attractive.

"Yep. But, such I'm such a good friend- I woke you up!" I said, he rolled his eyes and started laughing.
"What's so important that you had to wake me up?" He asked as he pushed himself up.
"Um... Eliza thought that I trust you more than I do her and Angelica... And now, she doesn't want me near you anymore," I said, his smile dropped and he looked sad.
"Oh... Yeah, I get it. Family first, right?" He sighed.
I rolled my eyes. "Shut up you moron. I'm not dropping you. Eliza and Angelica can suck my ass, I love you and I'm not leaving."
John smiled, then he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and pushed myself on top of him and sat on his lap. I didn't mean it in any sexual way, but I liked it. And I think he did too.

"Peggy, can I tell you something?" He asked as he let go.
"Of course. What's up?" I responded.
He sighed, then chuckled to himself, and looked me in the eyes. "Is it bad you're turning me on by sitting there?"
I laughed, then looked back at him. "No. Because it's doing the same for me."
He smiled. "I just... Don't want this to be a one night stand, y'know? Besides... If we're keeping it real, I'm still a virgin. I was saving it for my girlfriend or wife or whoever..."
"You're not the only one," I said.
"You too?" He asked, I nodded.
"I was saving it for someone I love," I responded.
John sighed again. "Peggy I can't keep my feelings in anymore. Ever sense you ran outside crying months ago and I found you, and I got to hold you and keep you safe, then I got to spend the night with you? You're all I've thought about. You're beautiful, charming, adorable, dorky, funny, caring, kind, trusting, and everything else. You're all I've ever wanted and you're still all I want."

I starred at him and he starred back. After a few minutes, he blinked and looked away from me. I grabbed his chin with my right hand and pushed it back to me, and I starred back into his eyes. I pulled him closer, and soon enough, my lips were on his, and I didn't say no to this.

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