Thirteen: Roadside

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By the time I woke up, I didn't even know what time it was. It was pitch black outside from the windows, and I was alone. I laid face down in my bed with a blanket covering my thighs down. I felt cold, and when I pushed myself up, I realized I was laying down naked besides my bra half on.

I forced myself up and wrapped the blanket around myself. By the time I focused, I heard yelling coming from downstairs. I slowly stood up and quietly opened my door and stood above the staircase and began to listen in. I instantly recognized the voices- Aaron and Thomas.

"-the hell did you do, Thomas?"
"I didn't do anything! We had... A NIGHT! That was it!-"
"A night? Are you bullshitting me? Do you think I'm stupid-"
"I didn't say that! She was stressed, e-emotional about John! I calmed her down!"

I didn't stick around for much more. I shut the door and frantically ran around the bedroom and started frantically throwing any of my clothes or belongings into my bag. I found the clothes I was wearing last night on the ground and quickly threw everything on. As I tied up my hair, I finally got a look at the clock- 2:16 AM.

I took a deep breath, tossed on a hoodie I brought along, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door. As soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, the conversation stopped. James was nowhere to be seen, but Aaron and Thomas stood in the middle of the kitchen arguing, but as soon as we locked eyes, they shut up.

"Peggy... I-"

Before Aaron could say anything else, I bolted out of the front door and ran out. I didn't look back, I just ran and ran and ran for what felt like forever. After who knows how long, I stopped and caught my breath.

Did I have any idea where I was? No. Did I care? No. At this point I didn't care where I went and I didn't care where I ended up, as long as it wasn't Aaron's or my sisters apartment.

After a few minutes of standing there breathing, I heard a car slowly roll up. My hearing began to fade as I just dozed off, not being able to fight back. Not caring what happened at this point.

"Peggy? Peggy are you alright?"

It sounded familiar, but all voices at this point sounded like Jefferson. I just stood there not replying, until I felt he figure get closer, and they put their hand on my shoulder. I could tell it was a man, which scared me. Without even thinking, I whipped around and kneed the man in the crotch, and they fell to their knees. My hearing came back and my visit focused back, and I got a good look at the person.

"Alex?" I asked. "What... What are you doing here? How did you... How did you find me?"

I reached out a hand and slowly helped Alex up, he brushed himself of and looked at me. Neither of us said anything, until I threw myself into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just cried, and I didn't care what he thought, I just needed someone to be there for me right now. He was surprised at first, but he eventually just pulled me in closer.

We stood there for a minute, me just sobbing and him just holding me. He didn't ask what was wrong or what had happened to me, he just stood there and comforted me. He rubbed my back and played with my hair and just stood there in the freezing weather. In that moment, I didn't care how he found me or where he was. It honestly didn't matter. I just needed to be around someone I trusted, and Alex was it for me.

"It's freezing out here..." He whispered. "Can we go inside?"

I didn't say anything. I just slowly pushed myself away, and Alex nodded. He wrapped his arm around me and led me back to his car, got the passenger door for me and let me in. He shut the door behind me, got in the car, and drove away. Alex didn't ask any questions, he just drove with the radio on, letting me cry and think by myself.

Before I knew it, Alex had pulled up outside of my sisters apartment building. I felt my heart drop to my knees, but I didn't say anything. Alex pulled into his normal parking spot and turned the car off. Neither of us said a thing for a moment before he loudly sighed and turned to me. I didn't look, but I saw him starring at me out of the corner of my eye with sorrow in his eyes.

"You're not going back out on the streets," Alex finally said.
"Who said I was on the streets?" I remarked.
"Where else would you go?"
I paused. "I stayed with Aaron in his guest room."

I watched Alex's expression go from sorrow to anger to worried.


I didn't have the energy or the courage to tell the truth. I saw Alex look at his lap for a moment before looking back at me with his puppy dog eyes.

"I'll sneak you in. John won't even know you're there. Then maybe we'll talk to Angelica and Eliza," Alex replied.
I sighed. "I'll think about my sisters."
"Okay. Let's go."

Alex opened his car door and I slowly opened mine. Alex led me to the building and snuck me upstairs and into his apartment. I sat outside for a moment staring at my sisters door while Alex fiddled with his keys. I heard no noise from inside the girls apartment.

The sound of Alex unlocking his apartment door snapped me out of my trance. Without even thinking- I pushed Alex aside and hurried into his apartment. As soon as I got in, I stood shocked. I saw the dark brown manbun from over the couch.

He glanced back to see who was home, and his eyes shot open wide. He placed his drink on the coffee table and stood up and turned around and stared at me.

"Peggy...." John softly said. "We need to talk."

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