Twelve: Temporary Home

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Aaron drove me to his house afterwards, the car ride was silent. The only thing that made noise  was the radio, Aaron didn't talk and I kept my mouth shut. I had to prepare myself, for I would be staying with men that tried to get me to have sex with them.

Aaron knew I was thinking everything over. I was temped to stay at a motel, but I knew Aaron. I feel like he's really trying to prove himself. So, for now- I trust him.

I don't really know how long the car ride took, I was too deep in my thoughts. But before I knew it, we were parked outside a bigger home than I expected. It looked to be maybe two floors, had a dark borne shade to it, with many windows- most of which were covered from the inside with blinds- and a big white front door with surrounding door windows.

The house had a few black stairs that lead up to a gate, which lead to the porch, and then the front door. I got out of the car and so did Aaron, and I heard the car lock behind us. Aaron lead me up the stairs, through the door, and welcomed me into his home.

The front door lead into a. beautiful kitchen, then the living room, bathroom, and dining area. The backyard was huge and beautiful, and the upstairs held all the bedrooms and bathrooms. There were a total of four- and the guest room was all mine.

Once Aaron told me the room was mine, I laid in that bed and didn't move for hours. I heard the front door open and close twice, indicating that James and Thomas were home. I felt the hair stand up on my arms and good bumps rise everywhere.

Even though I knew they were home, they never came up and said anything. I knew Aaron told them I was staying here, which gave me some sort of relief that they didn't say anything. It gave me slight hope they would leave me alone. And for the time I spent, they did.

I stayed there for a week. I never really left my room unless it was for the bathroom, food, or going out with Aaron. I saw James and Thomas in the house a few times, but they acted as if I wasn't there. They didn't talk to me or say anything, which was fine by me.

I didn't contact Angelica or Eliza at all, even though I wanted to see them again, I held myself back. I knew better. I stayed away from them no matter how many messages they left and phone calls I ignored. They even asked Aaron if he knew where I was, and he said no.

John was a whole other story. I missed him, and I knew I loved him. But how can you bounce back from someone who was cheating on you? I was a wreck. I was a mess. I needed him, and I think Aaron realized it, to.

"Are you okay?" Aaron said, snapping me out of my trance.
"Hm- yeah I'm fine," I stuttered.

He placed a plate of eggs in front of me, then sat across from me. I didn't say anything, I didn't even look at him, I just ate and ate and ate.

"Peggy slow down!" Aaron said as he pulled the plate away. I stared at him, but didn't say anything. "What's really going on?"

I just stayed quiet for a moment. I just sighed and stared. I pushed myself back and leaned on the chair and stared at Aaron for a minute before speaking.

"I love him."

Aaron slowly pushed himself back and stared. I heard him quietly sigh as he closed his eyes before looking back.

"He cheated-"
"I KNOW he cheated, okay? But... But I still love him. A-And no matter what I will ALWAYS love him because at one point he was my entire world. He's all I ever wanted and all I still want. What is WRONG with me?"

Once again, Aaron just stared. I heard him quietly sigh to himself as he pushed the plate back towards me. I didn't eat, I just stared, waiting for him to say something. Anything, I needed his advice.

"There's nothing WRONG with you, Peggy. There's something WRONG with him. Cheating on such a beautiful and smart and caring girl, I-I don't know what went through his mind when he did it, but he was wrong. Honestly? You need to talk to him. I know you don't feel right about this but there HAS to be more to whatever happened that night."

I didn't even know what to say. I knew he was right- but I didn't want to believe it. I knew I had to talk to John, but it wasn't going to be now. It was going to be when I was ready. And who knows when that's going to be.

Before I could respond, I heard a car pull up outside. I knew Thomas and James were home, and frankly, I didn't care for them at the moment. I stood up, thanked Aaron for the food, and went back upstairs to my room.

I stayed upstairs for hours, and hours turned into the whole day. Aaron brought up food a few times, but then he left me alone. He knew how to take care of me when I was in an emotional state. It was about ten at night when I heard a slight knock at the door. I yelled come in, I heard the door open, and when I looked over- I saw Thomas standing in the doorway with my laundry basket.

"Hey." He said as he cleared his throat. I didn't say anything. "Your laundry finished downstairs, figured I'd bring it up and get it out of the way."
"Thanks," I responded. "Just... Put it in the corner."

I pointed to the closet corner, he nodded, and carried my basket to the corner. He sat it down next to it and stretched until I heard his back crack. I didn't judge- I knew I had a bunch of clothes in there. I shrugged and went back to the book I was reading and waited for Thomas to leave, but I watched him staring at me from the corner. I didn't say anything.

"Aaron told me you guys had an... Argument?" Thomas asked.
"It wasn't an argument," I defended. "He was giving me advice."
"On?" Thomas asked, I looked up and raised an eyebrow. He sighed and walked over and stood at the end of my bed. "I know I've fucked up. I know I'm stupid. I know I'm disgusting. But can we just pretend for three minutes that it's okay? I want to help you. And frankly, I'm REALLY good at advice."

I hated myself for it, but I slightly laughed. I didn't trust him, I didn't like how close he was. But, I was emotional and I wanted to rant. So I accepted it.

"I love John." I finally stated out. "I love him. I love everything about him. But... He cheated on me with his ex girlfriend! How can you do someone dirty like that?"
"I don't know, really. He's just an idiot who didn't understand an amazing girl when she's right in front of him," Thomas sighed.
"I love him with all of my heart Thomas. I do. I've never felt like this with ANYONE, ever. It's just him. We go together like pieces of a puzzle. We fit so well and we have so much in common, and I thought he loved me." I felt my tears get watery as I wiped them. "What did I do wrong?"

Thomas sighed and came to the bed and sat next to me. He pulled me closer to him and just held me and rubbed my shoulders sighing. I could hear his heartbeat. I didn't like it. Not one bit. I hated it. I hated being in his embrace, but he was all I had at the moment. The only person that would hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay.

Except, he didn't.
Instead, he told me something different.

"Oh, Peggy," He sighed as he held me closer. "He doesn't deserve you. He doesn't deserve your love, your loyalty, your beauty, your... body. Peggy, you're amazing. And if he wants to cheat, show him what he lost." I heard him slightly laugh, but I didn't do or say anything. "Peggy, you know who deserves your body?"
I sniffled. "Who?"
He laughed again, a bit louder, a bit harder. "Me."

And before I knew it, Thomas Jefferson was on top of me with the door locked.

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