Seven: Miss Reyonolds

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Two AM

The pounding on the door came through louder and louder as it echoed throughout the house. Alex was at George's for the night and Herc and Laf were passed out in Herc's room- so it was only effecting me.
I thought it was Peggy- that maybe she had a bad run-down with Burr or Jefferson or Madison. I hurried to the door and opened it, but Peggy didn't stand there. Miss Maria Reynolds did.
"Maria?" I asked.
Her black mascara was running down her cheeks with black eyeliner around her eyes, followed by smudged red lipstick and a black eye.
"What happened?"
"Anthony, I... I know you are a man of honor- I'm so sorry to bother you at home. But...But I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone..." She sobbed in between sniffles.
"Did James do this?" I asked.
"My boyfriends doing me wrong. Beating me, cheating me, mistreating me. Suddenly he's up and gone. I don't have the means to go on..." She sobbed.
I looked down the hallways, and noticed Peggy's lights turned on- I could see through under the door. I didn't want her to see me with another girl at two AM.
"Okay.. Okay... Just come in," I said, she walked inside and I shut the door behind her. "Do you want me to, like, walk you home?"
"You're too kind, sir..." Maria sobbed. "I don't want to see him..."
"Well, you can stay here for the night I-I guess. Ill take the couch," I stuttered, she nodded.
I led her to my bedroom as she followed me inside. I started fixing my bed up and throwing clothes around so she'd be comfortable, when I heard the door shut.
I turned around, and Maria was leaning on the door. Her jeans were on the floor and her shirt was in her hand. Her shoes and socks were nowhere to be seen, all she was wearing was matching red panties and a bra. She bit her lip and looked over at me and started walking over slowly to me as she pressed herself against me.
"Maria... I have a girlfriend now..." I said.
"So? C'mon John.. Give me one night. Peggy won't have to know," she whispered in my ear. I didn't say anything as she came closer until her bra was pressed against my stomach.
"You don't want me to stop, baby. One night. That's all I need," she whispered back as she kissed my chest.
"Shh. Don't talk, let me do the talking," she interrupted.
She started kissing my neck as her hands slowly made their way down to my sweatpants. I felt her fingers wrap around the elastic on my waist- she smiled and giggled.
"I missed you baby..." She said. "Peggy doesn't have to know."
My girl.
My babygirl.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" A voice screamed.
Maria pushed herself off me and both our heads jerked to the doorway- Peggy was standing there.
Worst. Timing. Ever.
She was in her yellow plaid pajama pants with a matching yellow spaghetti strap shirt and black slippers. Her hair was a mess and there were tears dripping down her cheeks and off her chin.
How much did she hear?
"Peggy, I-"
"Fucking save it!" She screamed. "I fell in love with you sense the day I got here and I really thought you felt the same. How fucking stupid was I, huh? Thinking the great John Laurens would love me back. You'd rather have HER than ME? Your girlfriend?! Fine. Have her. Because I never want to see you again John Laurnes!" She screamed, then she stormed out.
I pushed Maria away and hurried out my bedroom door, where Herc and Laf were standing- watching Peggy run away with tears down her face. I hurried and tried to catch her, but she ran outside and ran back into her apartment, and I heard her lock the door.
I sighed, and banged my fist against the wall mumbling 'idiot' over and over again. I slammed the door- not caring about my neighbors at this point- and turned around, Laf and Herc were standing there. Maria came out of the room and was leaning against the wall wearing nothing but boots and jeans that were unbuttoned, she was in the process of putting her shirt on. Once she was dressed she just walked out like nothing happened.
"Ton putain d'idiot! Qu'est-ce que tu fais?" Laf screamed as he ran towards me, but Herc held him back.
"Whoa, whoa! Before we get kicked out considering it's 2 AM- let's go talk in my room," Herc said- he was always the parent of our group.
Laf calmed down and went into Herc's room as Herc and I followed. Laf leaned on the wall as Herc sat on the bed- I stayed by the door.
"What the hell happened?" Herc asked.
"Maria... She came crying saying James was hitting her and she ran away. I offered to walk her home, but she lead me to my bed, yanked off her clothes and pushed herself on me. I told her to stop- but Peggy walked in when Maria was trying to take off my sweats. I didn't cheat- I told her no! But... How do you say no to Maria Reyonolds?" I explained, Herc nodded and Laf just glared at me.
"Vous êtes une triche, un mensonge, un fils de pute, John. Vous ne méritez pas Peggy Schuyler," Laf growled.
(Translation: You're a cheater, a liar, and a son of a bitch, John. You don't deserve Peggy Schuyler.)
"Laf- I DIDN'T cheat on Peggy. I love her. "Maria's just a whore, okay? A WHORE. I tried to get her off but-"
"Arrêtez de faire des excuses pour vos erreurs. Peggy est incroyable. Tu ne le mérite pas. Elle ne mérite pas tes conneries," Laf said as he started to walk towards me, but Herc pushed him off.
(Translation: Stop making excuses for
your mistakes. Peggy is incredible- you don't deserve her. She doesn't deserve your bullshit.)
"Laf. We both know you have a thing for Peggy, but I really believe John. We BOTH know Maria uses sex to get her way out of everything-Thanks to James for that. James doesn't deserve Maria. But, I know John. John loves Peggy. You're gonna have to talk to her," Herc defended.
"Yeah. You're right," I agreed.
"But not now. You go over there- Angelica will tear you to pieces. Let her cool down, then tomorrow when Angelica and Eliza leave for work- go see Peggy," Herc said. "Now everyone get some sleep. It's been a shit day."
Laf walked over to me and started at me before speaking. "Si tu lui fais encore mal, je n'hésiterai pas à te frapper dans le sol et à te botter le cul. Je l'aime plus que vous n'aurez jamais."
(Translation: If you ever hurt her again, I will not hesitate to beat you into the ground and kick your ass. I lover her more than you ever will.)
I grabbed Laf by the collar of his shirt and pushed him into a wall. "You will NEVER love Peggy Schuyler more than I do. She's MY girl, not yours. Stay away from her, hear me?"
I heard the bed creek and Herc hurry over, but I didn't look at him.
Laf smirked. "'Your girl,' huh? Because it sounded like she never wants to see you again."
I raised my arm to punch him, but Herc grabbed it and yanked me away.
"Both of you shut up. John- you better not hurt her again. Laf will hurt you. Laf- Peggy's still John's girl. Don't try and hit on her," Herc said. "Both of you get to your fuckin' rooms before I kick BOTH your asses."

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