Eleven: On The Run

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I scanned John's door up and down before slowly backing up. I made a b-line for the stairs and hurried down them and out the front door. With my backpack on my back and my
head held high, I was on my way.

I walked up and down the streets of New York but I didn't exactly know where I was going. I just walked for what felt like hours. I passed some gas stations, food places, houses, and apartment complexes, but nothing I had seen before.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and checked the time, almost four in the afternoon. Wow, time flies when you get knocked out and taken away from your cheating boyfriend by your sisters.

As I continued walking, I saw a sign through the trees that read 'Bar.' I smiled, took my wallet out from my bag, and walked inside. I opened the doors and was met with people laughing and chatting with soft music played in the background. A band set up was on a stage but nobody played.

I walked through the bag and got a good look at the people in the area. I saw some faces that looked some what familiar, I had probably seen them around town. As I looked around and made my way to the bar, I noticed a table of familiar faces.

One with puffy black hair, one with little to no hair, and one with a buzzed style. James, Thomas, and Aaron. I glared at them as I passed, and they all noticed me. James and Thomas looked away, but Aaron continued to stare.

I put my head down and made my way to the bar. I sat down on a bar stool and waited for the bartender to come over. Once he did, I ordered a cocktail. He nodded and left to make it and then came back a minute later with my drink.

"9.34." He said with an emotionless stare.

I pulled out my wallet, only to have someone from behind me pay for my drink. The guy gave the bartender a ten dollar bill, and sat down next to me. I didn't know him. Slicked back blonde hair and brown eyes. He looked a LOT older than me, at least by ten years.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?" He asked with a smirk.
"Leaving," I responded as I began to gather my things.
"Hey, hey, what's the rush babygirl?" He asked as he grabbed my wrist.

Before I could even tell him to screw off, someone else grabbed him by the hood of his sweatshirt and yanked him away from me.

"Leave her alone. Go find someone your own age, not someone half."

It was Aaron.

"Jeez dude. Lay off. She's digging me." The guy winked at me.
"Clearly," Aaron rolled his eyes. "Get out of here before I do something I'll regret."

The guy peered over Aaron's shoulder. "Your loss baby." And with that, he was off to hit on another girl.

I cleared my throat. "Thanks."
"Yeah. No problem," Aaron responded. "Mind if I sit?"
"Go for it," I replied.

Aaron sat down next to me and smiled.

"How you been sense the fight?" He asked.
"I've been better," I sighed.
"You want to talk about it?" Aaron asked. I stayed quiet and looked at my lap. "I know I haven't always been the best friend but, I am a good listener."
I sighed. "My sisters warned me to stay away from him so I didn't tell them we were dating. So when they found me in John's apartment... They lost their minds. John told them he was in love with me. They kicked me out and told me I wasn't welcome anymore. I couldn't go to John because, well, he fucking cheated. So I've been walking the streets for hours."

Aaro stared at me for a second, processing everything.

"I'm so sorry, Peggy. I don't even know what to say... Where are you staying?" Aaron asked.
I laughed. "My guess is as good as yours."
"Well, I mean... I have a guest room. I know it's not... Luxury considering, well, know I live with but-"
"Aaron if your asking me to stay with Thomas and James-"
"They're never home. And it's just until you land back on your feet. They know what the did was fucked, I talked some sense into them. They want to apologize for what they did. They left a few minutes ago so, if you need somewhere to stay, the guest room is always open for you." Aaron smiled with gentle eyes while I thought everything over.
"They won't try and touch me?" I asked.
"I'll kill them if they do," Aaron replied.
I sighed. "Yeah. Not for long. Just until I realize what I'm doing..."
"Alright. Let's head out." Aaron said as he stood up. I followed behind him.

(a/n i've been away for a while going through some shit at home so v slow updates on everything that isn't pre-written but 2 new stories out i'm v proud of and it would help if y'all just checked me out

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