Chapter 3

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~~~~Davina's P.O.V.~~~~

"Any progress lately?" I asked Mary sweetly. She smiled and her big blue eyes began to shine.

"Yeah. I feel like I have complete control over my mind again." She said happily, causing me to smile from ear-to-ear.

"That's amazing! I'm very proud of you." I said, feeling like a proud mom. Little did she know that she was in the very last stage of recovery. You see, there are 6 stages of recovery.

1. Getting used to you're surroundings and how things run.

2. Stopping the attempts to escape or hurt yourself.

3. Beginning to talk and open up to the Doctors, Nurses, etc.

4. Accepting that you are here to get better and that you do have a problem.

5. Winning the battle of Sanity and Insanity; Sanity being victorious.

6. Claiming complete control over you're body and mind.

And after that, you will be tested in several different ways to see if you are completely recovered, and if you are, you will be able to go back out and into the real world. Of course, for the first year after you leave, you will have to be checked up on every few weeks and will have to attend therapy every week, just for safety. This, of course, was only for the patients who were only admitted for being mentally unwell, and haven't done anything illegal. Like in Harry's case, he'll never be able to get out of here. If anything, if he makes enough progress, he'll be able to go to a regular prison, you know... for the rest of his life.

"Thanks. I'm really happy that I'm better now. When I first came here, I was so messed up. But now, I feel like a normal person again." She said with a bright smile on her face

Mary is an amazing girl. She came her a year ago when she was only 18. She had just graduated and was immediately put into the mental hospital. She began talking to me about why she was messed up, only months from when she first arrived. She told me that she slept with any guy she could get her hands on. But, then everyone turned against her and she began feeling completely alone. That's when dark thoughts began to run through her mind and soon enough, they took over completely. Long story short, she became very mentally unstable, and physically abusive to herself.

"Alright Hun, that's it for today. I am extremely proud of you and I hope that you will keep up the amazing progress." I said, standing up and giving her a hug. I know that I'm only 21, but I found out that all the female patients like it when I call them 'Hun'. The boys on the other hand, like it when I call them 'bud' or 'buddy'. I only do therapy sessions with patients between the ages 17-25, so I like to remind them that I'm their friend. I sometimes have a session with an older patient, but it is very rare.

"Thanks bae." She said back, causing me to giggle. She calls me 'bae' all the time. For those of you who might not know, 'bae' is like a different or shorter version of 'baby'. Also, to me, it's a lot cooler sounding than 'baby', because 'baby' is like something you would say to you're boyfriend/girlfriend, unlike 'bae', which can be said to your friends and other people. (Please read A/N at the end of this chapter)

She left with her guard and I leaned down to fix my pant leg, which had ridden up. My outfit today was pretty simple, and so was my makeup. I just left my hair natural, which is what I usually do because, and I'm not trying to sound over-confident, but I just love my natural hair.

I turned to look at a rustling sound coming from my left and saw Ms. Delmond speed walking over to me with a exasperated look on her face.

"Are you okay, Ms. Delmond?" I asked.

"Fine. I'm fine." She said quickly, fixing her grey ironed skirt and her sunset orange blouse. She actually looked very pretty today, I mean, not like she wasn't a pretty woman, it's just that she is always so bland and her only colors she wears are grey. It was good to see her wearing such a pretty blouse.

"Who is you're next patient, and why are they late?" She asked looking around for any sign of a patient. I honestly didn't know who my next patient was, so I quickly looked down at the sheet of paper on my clipboard behind my notebook. My stomach dropped and my mouth became slightly dry.

"Harry Styles." I said, causing her to grunt in annoyance and shuffle her high-heeled covered feet on the ground.

"He, of all people, should not be late." She said sharply. Just then we heard multiple footsteps coming from our left, and there was Harry Styles walking with two guards.

"By the way, I like your blouse." I said slightly quieter than how I was originally talking. Her eyes widened slightly with surprise and a warm smile made it's way to her face along with a slight blush.

"Well, um, thank you very much." She said genuinely with a light smile on her face. It shocked me to see her reaction, the way she smiled and blushed. She must not be complimented a lot, which is sad.

The moment Harry and his guards arrived, her annoyed facial expression came back out and hid the sweet smile she was just recently wearing.

"You're late." She said curtly to the taller security guard, the one that was a jerk to me the first time we met. I've come to learn his name is Marc.

"I had a little accident in the break room, ma'am. This idiot spilled coffee all over me." Marc said angrily, pointing over to the short guard, who's name is Larry. Larry smiled sheepishly and chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood. It wasn't working.

"Well, go ahead then, we've lost enough time already." She said, pointing to the therapy room.

"Sit." Marc said to Harry sternly. Harry complied, and as soon as he sat down, they backed away.

"Now gentlemen, you'll be coming with me." She said to Marc and Larry, as two other security guards came into the room. My eyebrows raised in surprise, because the look on her face makes me sure that this is not a good thing for Marc and Larry.

The three of them left the room as the other two security guards stood on each side of Harry, giving him about 8 feet of space on each side. You could just tell that they were way more professional than those two buffoons who were most definitely getting chewed out right now by Ms. Delmond.

I turned around, looking at the tall figure sitting in the huge chair that was the same as a Lazy Boy chair, just with out the reclining feature.

Here we go.


(A/N)    Thank you so much for reading, I will post a picture of Clay in a chapter that I don't put an outfit in. :)

P.S.- I actually wrote this chapter way before 'Bae' became a popular thing to say, which is quite funny actually. I used it because it's something I grew up hearing.

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