Chapter 6

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~~~~Davina's P.O.V.~~~~ Two Days Later~~~~

I walked into the hospital, everyone turning to look at me, giving me a weird look. I sighed and kept on walking.

Today is the day. Today is the day Harry Styles is being released. I'm so nervous, I mean, I was the one who figured out that he was innocent, so now I'm being contacted about interviews and stuff. It kind of freaks me out a little bit, to be honest.

"Ms. Slater! Congratulations on figuring out the case... well, not the whole case, but, you know what I mean." Our newest employee, Katy, said to me, along with the rest of the staff here. I thanked them all, and continued my journey to the elevator.

Once I reached the third floor of our building, I stepped off, only to be greeted by reporters. They called my name, trying to get my attention as they crowded around me, pushing me against the elevator doors, making my claustrophobia start to take over.

"Hey, hey! Back off!" I heard a deep voice yell, my eyes darting towards it as Clay pushed through the reporters to get to me. He put a protective arm around me as he pushed through the cluster of people.

"Thanks." I said politely as he nodded back with a smile, removing his arm from me. I looked forward to see Harry standing there, getting frisked as he looked at me. He had on normal clothes; a hoodie, black t-shirt, jeans and converse. He looked so much better in normal clothes.

"Alright Mr. Styles, we're going to slip you down the stairs over to our left, and then we'll get you to your car, and you can carry on your life, like you deserve." A guy in a suit said to Harry, smiling at him. Everybody was taking this so nicely, which put me at ease.

They began to take him down the stairs, eventually hitting the bottom. We all walked out, the reporters were held back at the beginning of the stair case, making it easier for the security to escort Harry. I was trying to catch up to him, to talk to him, but they were practically running as the reporters outside of the building realized we were trying to slip out easily. He quickly threw his stuff into the back of his Range Rover and hopped in the front seat. He buckled up and began to drive off, the security blocking the reporters from getting too close to the car. I stood and watched as he trailed off into the distance, leaving a cold breeze to blow against my face, making me shiver as I clenched my sweater tighter around me.

I guess I'll never get to talk to him.

~~~~Harry's P.O.V.~~~~

I pulled forward in my range rover, careful not to hit anybody. I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw Davina standing there with her sweater clenched around her body. I really wanted to talk to her before I left but I didn't get the chance. I still don't know who re-opened the case and proved I'm innocent, and it's bugging the hell out of me. Maybe I'll see her around and I'll get to ask her.


I arrived home and turned on the TV to see the news about my release. They were talking about me being found innocent and the person who figured it out, which made me perk up a bit as I opened a can of soda from my fridge.

"Harry Styles is a free and innocent young man, and it's all thanks to the wonderful Davina Slater," The reporter said enthusiastically, making my eyes bulge, spitting the soda out accidentally.

"What," I yelled at the TV. I wasn't angry or anything, just surprised. She's not even a cop.

"She was surely the hero of the week, saving this poor young man from a sentence he didn't deserve, for a crime he didn't commit. Maybe she should be the new head detective for our cities police department! Ha-ha! Back to you John-" I shut the TV off, silencing the over-acting lady.

Why would she do that? Why? I started to pace slightly, my mind scrounging around for a reason, but coming up empty handed. Only one thought kept popping up in my mind, eventually making it's way out of my mouth.

"I have to talk to her."



Okay guys, here it is! Sorry it's so short! But I hope you enjoyed it! Love you guys, and please give feedback!

Until next time, loves.

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