Chapter 13

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~~~~Harry's P.O.V.~~~~

"Bye," she says, closing the passenger door with a wave, before sprinting-- literally, sprinting towards the entrance of the hospital. She disappears behind the large wooden doors of the hospital, leaving me sitting here, pretty much speechless.

What the h*ll was that? That wasn't what I needed. I didn't even get to use my charms on her.

I can't help but let out a groan of annoyance as I think about making an excuse for her to meet me again.

But you already have one.

A smirk finds its way to my face as I hop out of the car and lock it behind me. I stared at the old building in front of me as I approached it, letting out a sigh.

The last time that I was here, I was forced inside.

Now, I'm walking inside because I want to.

Oddly enough, I feel like a king.

The first thing that I saw were multiple men in suits standing in the middle of the room, but one was standing farther up front. Davina stood in front of him, her stance giving off the impression that she was getting defensive. The blonde dude that works with Davina stood slightly behind her with his arms crossed. I don't remember his name, so I'm going to call him 'Blondie'.

Security guards stood in front of the gate that led to the main corridor-- I'm sure to keep any of the suits from getting in.

"The situation has been handled. The injured patients are being treated, and the patient who lost control has been placed in our special psychiatric ward, and is receiving the help that he needs as we speak. We are more than capable of handling this situation-- so you must understand as to why I'm confused about PTS sending suits to get involved with a situation that has already been taken care of," Davina says, placing her hands on her hips.

The suit standing in front of her pushes his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose, before taking a step closer to her. I raised my eyebrows at his act of intimidation, my feet carrying me a few steps closer to him.

He's not dumb enough to do something stupid like put his hands on her-- right?
He can't actually be that dumb.

I stopped moving when I see Blondie take a step forward, his eyes narrowing on the suit. My eyebrows raise again in surprise.

Someone's getting protective.

"I asked to speak with the Head of the Institution, not a minimum wage employee," the suit said, doing a once-over on Davina.

Yeah... she's not a minimum wage employee, a-hole.

Blondie scoffed, which was then followed by him chuckling. Davina didn't look offended-- instead, a sweet smile stretched itself across her face.

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