Journey To The Past

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(Rogue's POV)

We were sent back to the time of my death, the one memory I didn't want to revisit. Had I known of Ylva's spectral circle I would have had that entire place sealed up for good. I don't want Sunny seeing this, she shouldn't have to live with the memories of our ancestors' lives and deaths.

"Soon-kyu look away."

Sunny: N-No, I-I want to see this.

She looks down over the tower overlooking the huge fire that was already claiming my human body. My screams could be heard as the flames consumed me, the crowd shouting obscenities at me.

Sunny: Why did they burn you?

"Because they found out the truth about me, the kind of monster I was, the beast they saw in my eyes when I became enrgaed. And the beast I became when I let it take over."

Sunny: You turned?

"..I did, when I tried to revert it was too late. I slaughtered many people, I tried to warn them to keep their distance. But they didn't listen, all I needed was some time to calm down. Instead they decided to aggravate me even more. They pushed me past my limits, that's when all hell broke loose, literally."

Sunny: What about the emperor? didn't he try to save you? you saved his life many times why didn't he spare yours?

"Because men don't spare demons Sunny, think about it. If you saw a person like you or I walking around with these eyes would you try to kill it or let it live?"

Sunny: It depends, if they are threat to society than maybe I would try to kill it. But I can't make such a brash decision without first knowing if it can be prevented.

"And how would you prevent it?"

Sunny: By helping that person the best way I can.

I shake my head at her naivete, she has much to learn. At least her heart is pure that much I can admire.

"If only my grandfather wasn't such a bastard we could have avoided all of this"

Sunny: What was she like?

"My mother?"

Sunny: Yeah

"*deep breath* She was beautiful both on the inside and outside. She spent her years using the knowledge given to her to aid others in need. She figured if she could make herself useful to others then maybe she could keep the beast inside tamed. It worked for the most part, she lived a quiet life."

Sunny: Until?

"Until, my father found out what she was. He abandoned us both after learning of her curse, he wanted nothing to do with us. She became less kind after that, she didn't exactly become cold and cruel like I did, but she never spoke of love in a good light afterwards. Love is the one thing that can make your world brighter, your days better, and your nights..even better *smirks*"

Sunny: Hahahahaha

"But it can also ruin you."

Sunny: I guess the mental deterioration due to lack of love runs in the family huh? we lose our sanity because of the people we have feelings for.


Sunny: Hey what is that?

I turn to see what she's referring to, a weird mirror type portal emerges on the bridge of the tower. We make our way to it being careful to not be seen by any of the guards that might be on the tower as well. I stick my hand through it which becomes enveloped by a dark purple liquid.

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