Break The Cycle

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(Hyoyeon's POV)

"One week, one whole fucking week! And no results yet. What the hell are we gonna do? Everyone else changed back except for us."

Miryo: I'm sorry we tried everything we could, give it some time.

Sojin: How exactly did you end up like this?

Sooyoung: Didn't Ylva or Rogue explain anything?

Miryo: Sun-A told us but Sojin here keeps having short term memory loss. Not sure why, are you taking your vitamins?

Sojin: Hahahaha you're so funny unnie.

Miryo: *sniffs sniff* your breath reeks of sarcasm Sojin.

Sojin: Best smell in the world.

Miryo: I thought the best smell in the world know what *wiggles eyebrows*

Sojin: Are you suggesting something?

Miryo: Nope..are you?


Sooyoung walked up to me, stroking my hair gently as her way of calming me down. Instead it begins having an opposite effect on me.

Sooyoung: Why are you tearing up honey? don't cry please don't! we'll fix this.

"I don't want to be stuck like this!"

Sooyoung hugs me tightly hoping to halt the river flooding my face at the moment. I can't feeling any other way, I know this is all happening because we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We were warned yes, but what the hell do they expect of us? I spent a long time having to control my feelings for Sooyoung. And now that I finally get to have her in all her tall glory I have to keep away just because of a stupid curse?

"You know what! yeah we did things. We had sex but why the hell do you people expect huh!? we're a couple, I love her! I want her in every single way, no amount of otherworldly bullshit is going to stop me from having her!"

Sooyoung: Hyo shush.

"No! I get that these are the consequences for not listening to the warnings the first time. But just because I make love to my irresistible girlfriend I'mean fucking chastised for it by being turned into a man? what the fuck!?"

Sojin stomps her way to me glaring like a mad woman who is ready to attack her biggest threat. She grips my shoulders and pushes me back against the wall.

Sojin: Hyoyeon listen to me very carefully, you calm.the fuck down! I understand how you feel, no I am not in your position nor am I an expert in ancient curses. But for the love of God SHUT UP AND LET US DO WHAT WE CAN TO HELP YOU! Miryo and I have been dealing with the entire thing, along with the research team, for 6 days and 12 hours. We are just as tired as you are, we want nothing more than to finish this once and for all so we can continue on with our regular duties. So maybe you should think about what a hard time WE'RE having instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.

I remain silent, Sooyoung and Miryo remain just as quiet. No one dares to even breathe right now with all the tension in the room. Am I really falling apart this badly?

*Door opens*

Ara: She has a point you know. You should put your own problems aside and see things from their point of view.

Miryo: Did the Polish send any kind of result on their end? faxes, documents,...tomes? anything?

Ara: No they're withholding information from us though.

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