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Jennie's p.o.v.
"Hey wanna go to the haunted house, I love haunted houses" I pointed to the haunted house.
"Wait, you like those" Baekhyun replied with his eyes widened. Of course I love them. I mean who doesn't?
"What.....are you guys scared, your freaking football players" I said raising an eyebrow.
"No....well at least I'm not"Chen quickly said.
"Sure, Alright then lets go" I said as we all headed to the haunted house entrance.

"Hey Jen, how good of friends are u with Taehyung(V) from the basketball team" Baekhyun asked me as we were getting our phones ready to video the place.
"We're good friends, why?"
"Oh it's nothing I just wanted to know, cuz you guys seemed pretty close"
"Why do u care huh?" Chen said while giggling like a moron.
" I was just curious!" he said back with a cute pouty face.

(Oh I'm curious yeaaaa. Sorry I had to😂)

"Alright let's go already, I'm tired waiting" I said heading into the house.
Wow there are a lot of creepy things here.... it's awesome! I don't know why but I love these things. It's so cool. I looked behind me and saw Chen looking around while grabbing onto Baekhyun. Lol hey looked so adorable together.....I ship it!

(I actually ship Chanbaek but this is for the book)


Baekhyun's p.o.v.

"I thought you said you weren't scared" I said to Chen as he grabbed me.
"I'm not" he whispered to me. I saw Jennie turn around and look at us then she started giggling. How can she like all this creepy stuff. Why is she so co...
"Ahhhhhh" I grabbed Chen.
"What the hell" i screamed as I saw Jennie laughing her ass off with Chen.
"Didn't you hear the footsteps coming" Jennie said to me as I looked down.
"Alright it's ok, let's continue" Chen said going in front of Jennie. Why did he go first, did he wanna seem manly?

We walked into a maze and immediately noticed that Chen was gone. "Chen! Where are u?" Jennie yelled. She yelled once more and stopped because there was no answer.
"Great. What do we do know?" I asked facing towards her.
"I think we should just continue the maze and make it to the other room, maybe he is waiting for us" she said pulling my wrist. I don't know why but whenever she looks into my eyes or I look into her I get this feeling that I can't explain.....
Something popped up in her face all of a sudden and she let out a cute squeal and grabbed onto me. Hahahaha so much for Ms.Cool Jennie.
"I didn't know they have those....cool!" She squealed
Never mind.

(Time skip to after they get out of the maze)

Chen's p.o.v.

"There you guys are" I said as I ran up to them. I can't believe we got separated. Trying to get out of that maze is probably the hardest thing I have ever done in my life that involves using my brain. Jennie ran up to me and said
"how did you get lost in the first place"
"I was just walking and the next thing I knew....bam I was lost"
"You guys wanna do something else I'm not really feeling this whole maze thing anymore" Baekhyun said, and we all agreed and headed towards the nearest exit.
"Hey let's go to the board walk" I suggested, and they agreed and we headed to the board walk.


Jennie's p.o.v.

We were heading towards the board walk and I saw a girl with orangish hair and 3 other figures. I looked closer and noticed that it was Rose, D.O, Lay, and..... wait is that who I think it is? It's Rose's boyfriend. But what is he doing here? Did he decide to come?
I ran up to them and said "Heyyyyy guys..........


The two groups met up! Who do you guys think is Rose's boyfriend? The answer MIGHT be in the next chapter but I'm not making promises
And if you have the blackpink amino app add me cuz I might post a few polls and stuff debating out this book elizabeth_blink is my username


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