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Jisoo's POV

"JISOOO UNNIEEE!" Who is making noise so early? It's only 7am. I looked up from my sheets and saw Chaeyoung, Jennie and Lisa standing at the foot of my bed. "Unnie u promised last night that u would tell us what happened on your date with Suho oppa today" Lisa said as she sat on the edge of my bed. Jennie came and Layed near me and Chaeyoung sat on the side of Lisa. Wow... It's like story time for my children. Ah their so........
"Alright I'll start from the beginning~~~"

Where is he? I hope he didn't get into a car accident or anything, and on our first date! That would be tragic. I said as I paced back and forth. Omg I'm so nervous!!!! The girls said I looked ok but damn I-
Suho: I'm outside 😊
Oh he's here!.....I mean he's here
Me: ok be right there
Where is his car???? Ohhh it's there!
"Hi jisoo how are you?" He asked me. "I'm fine and you?" Was that too simple? I hope it wasn't, but then again I don- "yea, I was thinking that we should go to the fair that they are having today in town then catch a movie or something". "Yea sure I'm fine with that". "So.... how is everything going with your training? I heard that the track and field coach isn't feeling to well." " She's uh.......she has cancer actually but she doesn't want to quit as coach. I honestly feel bad because these past couple days she had fainted very easily." He nodded his head then it was silent for a while.

"I know that your close to her, but don't worry I'll be here for you." He looked at me and smiled. Wow he's so kind. "T-thank you". "Look we're here!" I said as I pointed out the window. Wow it's huge I can't wait! He chuckled. Wow even his laugh is amazing. Anyway..... "LETS RIDE THAT ONE FIRST" I said pointing to the Ferris wheel. "......Um.... are you sure? We could start on a less dangerous one if you want.. hehe" hahahaha is he scared? " I thought u said you would protect me?!", "correction, I said I would be there for you" ahhhh same thing. "Let's just go~" he finally agreed and we went on.
(3hrs later)
"Hahahaha look at your faceee it's priceless!" He started laughing a little, "look at you eating! Hahaha" ahh he took a picture?! "Whatever be happy you have such a beautiful model on your phone~". "Really who?"...... "ME" I said and he laughed again. "Your so cute... look it's the soohorang plushies !!!! Let's go get one!" Did.... did he just call me cute? "Jisoo hurry" ok ok. "Wow you won! Look at how cute it is!" He handed me the plushie. "Ok my turn".... "your turn?" "Yea I'm gonna win one for you now!" It wouldn't be fair if I was the only one who got something, plus I want to play this game. "JACKPOT. Look look I won it for you!" He took the plushie and started smiling.

"So what movie do you wanna see?" Ummmmm what movie would be good to see??? Oh I know "you wanna go see the new Thor movie?" He nodded and we bought our tickets. The movie starts in 10 minutes, what should we do now? A photo booth caught my eye. "Let's go take pictures!" I dragged him to the booth. "Ok say soohorang!" "Soohorang!" We helps up our plushies and smiled. Ok there are 5 minutes until the movie starts, "Let's buy snacks and head in" he said. " That'll be $20" (i only know American money so that's what I'm using. Sorry) "here I'll pay" he said as he pulled out a card. "No it's ok I'll pay for my stuff", "too late" damn this beautiful and nice man. "Let's go go~" :)

"That's pretty much all we did"
"No way that's it? No goodnight kiss?" Ah Lalisa this little... "NO there wasn't It's only our first date." She then pouted. "Alright that's it now leave me let me sleep. I pulled the covers on my head. "Wait are you going on another date anytime soon?" This time it was Jennie who spoke, "He said maybe sometime after Lisa's match". "Wow that's fast. Lisa's match is in two days." Chae said. "He must really like you" Lisa said. AHHHHH IM GOING CRAZY

(Later that day)

"Lisaaaaaaaaaa Taehyung is calling your phone!"



Hello my readers, I know it's been a really long time since I have updated. I'm really sorry I have been busy with school and when I found out about Jonghyun my world was depressed for a while. I have regents coming up soon so I don't when I will be updating next, my life is just getting harder and harder. I'll try my best and update! I also want to thank you guys so much... my book is on its way to 10k! Thank you guys so much! I've been thinking about doing some kind of special chapter or challenge. Let me know what you would like to see.
Please comment and vote 😊


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