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Lisa's POV
"Lisaaaaaaaaaa Taehyung is calling your phone!" Chae shouted. "K!" I shouted back

"Hellooooo lisaaaaaaaaa"

"Hey Tae whats up?"

"Nothing much I heard your match is in two days, I'm just letting you know that the guys and I will be there to support you!"

"Aw well thanks for the support..... but what about jimin? What does he think about his girlfriend and one of his best friends going against each other?"
"He honestly feels the same way you do, if seulgi wins and she's happy that's fantastic but if not she should learn to grow up, what's up with her anyway?..... I HEARD THE WHOLE SCHOOL IS GOING TO SEE YOUR MATCH"

Oh my god my eardrum "yes yes I heard even exo is going too"

"Really?! It feels like all u guys do is hangout with them now I hope u didn't forget about us"

"Don't be stupid you're the one who wanted us to friends, and we would never ditch you guys did u forget that jisoo and jin are siblings? We couldn't even if we wanted to"

"Yea yea whatever I got to go, talk to u later byeeee"


"Lisaaaaaa I'm hungry, wanna go out?" Chae asked. "Sure why not, let's go get some chicken at the Jeon's"

2 hours later 
Aw man it suucks that jungkook isn't here we could've got a discount
I love the smell of food. I wonder if we should bring some chicken home for the others. "Hey u think we should bring some home for Jennie and jisoo unnie?"
"Yea lets do it, I'll go order some" Chae went to get the chicken.
"Lisa!" Hm who's that. Omg it's Wendy! I haven't seen her in a while "Wendy! Hey how have u been how's it going with the whole baseball thing,it must be tiring traveling so much?" Damn she lost a lot of weight It must be a lot of hard work to be a baseball player. "Everything's good I came to visit for a while, it's been pretty lonely" awwwwww "You wanna come over tomorrow after class we can catch up and stuff"
"Yea sure... by the way.. I heard about you and seulgi's match, I don't wanna sound ignorant but I think you should let her win, maybe then she will come to her senses that being successful isn't everything. She even stopped talking to me, yeri and joy. Irene is the only one she talks to." "I guess what ever happens is gonna happen, I'll be right back I gotta use the bathroom"

Damn she's not even talking to her closest friends?  where did it all go wrong, why did she have to change.

Seulgi's POV
Hmmmm I'm hungry practicing really drains my energy, what should I get? Well the Jeon's is the only place that looks open. Chicken it is

Oh shit is that Lisa? AND WENDY???!!? How is it that  Wendy talked to her first before me? Why does everyone choose Lisa?!
Why is she always doing this? She's taking my friends now, is attention not enough ?


"Seulgi!!!!! Hey wanna go to the cafe later? They have a new tea I'm dyinggg to try" Lisa called out. What would I do without this idiot?

Apologies for the slow updates again but hey it's getting juicer and juicer. I can't wait for BTS and blackpink comebackkkkk. Also I hope in the next exo comeback lay will be in it I miss him so muchhh. But anyway thank you for reading and please wait for my next update! Happy Mother's Day!!!! Stay safe and healthy you guys💕💕💕💕💕

-author lizzy 💕💕💕💕💕

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