Chapter 1 Deployed

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So I wasn't planning on making another book before May, but after watching Nanbaka I fell in love with Jyugo, and wanted to make a fanfiction since there aren't many about him or aboutNanbaka in general! I had fun making this cover too! So, with out further ado, enjoy chapter 1 of Area 51!


(Y/n)'s POV

"Inmate number 51! As of today, you will be sent to Nanba prision due to your constant uncooperative behavior." An officer barked at me.

"Yeah, whatever old man." I replied filling my nails, not paying him any mind.

"I am not an old man! I'll have you know I'm only 36!"

"Heh, you're old enough to be my dad...if I had one." I smirked.

"Listen! You're going to Nanba prison today via plane, so be ready in twenty minutes when I come back to get you," the officer said as he slammed the jail cell shut.

"Plane? Where exactly is this prison?" I asked.

"Japan," he yelled from the other side of the door.

Japan, eh? Good thing I took Japanese lessons when I was younger. I can speak and understand it, but I can't read nor write it.

So why am I in jail you ask? I hacked into Area 51, and was close to obtaining top secret information that would sell for a fortune. But unfortunately for me, I was caught. When I snuck inside my phone rang, and before I knew it, I was surrounded by police officers.

You're probably wondering why a 16 year old high school girl would do this. Well the truth is I don't have a dad anymore. He was both a police officer and a doctor, but while he was performing his job as an officer was shot chasing down a least that's what I'm told to believe. After his death, my mother sunk into a deep depression and lost her job, so we were barely getting by. I had a job at Burger King, however it wasn't enough to support the two of us. Therefore, since I was (and still am) good with computers, and trying to find a good paying job at 16 was virtually impossible, I had to do what I did. I was desperate for money meaning I'd do basically anything to support my mom and I, even if that meant becoming a criminal, yet I didn't imagine I'd be in the same prison that my father worked at. Heh, I guess the good thing about me being in jail is that if my mom gets herself back together, she'll only have to support herself.

"Inmates 51, let's go!" The prison guard yelled.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming."

I'll miss my mother and (bf/n), my only friend that stayed my friend. Both of them visited me frequently while I was incarcerated at Nevada state prison, but I guess they can send me letters instead since I'll be at Nanba prison now, located on Nanba island in Japan.


I arrived at Nanba prison the next day. It was such a long flight, and my body is so stiff from sitting down all day. I took I big stretch before stepping out of the plane onto the rocky ground. Nanba prison is a massive prison with 13 buildings in total that houses the world's worst criminals. Apparently I'm going to be placed in building 13 cell 13 of Nanba prison.

"Hurry up 51, we don't got all day, building 13 is thirty minutes by train!" I was yelled at by an officer.

"Great, more sitting." I moaned.

As I was escorted on the train, I thought about what this prison would be like. Hopefully I don't have annoying cell mates, it's going to be a pain in the ass if I do. I'm pretty sure the food better be good too, because from what I read on the internet, prisons in other countries are much more luxurious than in the United States.

Area 51 (Nanbaka: Jyugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now