Chapter 12 Onward to Area 51

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(Y/n)'s POV

It felt strange being home after being away for so long. I actually feel kind of lonely. No Hajime yelling at us for escaping our cell, no Nico getting overly excited over the latest anime series, no more of Uno's instigating between me and Jyugo, and no Rock constantly eating excessive amounts of food. At least I have Jyugo, I honestly wouldn't have made it back home if it wasn't for him. I love him so much, and I hope through finding the man with the scar he can be freed from his shackles.

I got in the drivers seat of my mom's left behind car, and put the coordinates for Area 51 in the navigator. I also found my cell phone that was taken away from me when I was arrested. I'm taking it in with me because when I hack into the computer system at Area 51 I'm going to need it to see the layout of the base, however this time I'll make sure my phone is on silent.

"(Y/n)?" My boyfriend called me from the passengers seat.

"What is it?" I asked not taking my eyes off the road.

"I know you want to find the man with the scar because he murdered your father, but what do you plan to do? What are you going to ask him?"

"I honestly don't know, I guess I never really thought about it...I'm doing this because I'm upset I guess."

"Then there's no reason for you to come in. Just drop me off at the base, and you stay in the car and wait for me." Jyugo ordered me.

"No! I have to see the man with the scar for myself!" I insisted.

"Then how are you going to defend yourself if he attacks you? You don't have a weapon and you aren't a trained fighter." He stated.

"You'll protect me...right?"

"Yeah but...what if I can't, I don't want to lose you (y/n)!" Jyugo started tearing up.

"I don't want to lose you either, so that's why I'm coming in with you! If we die, we die together!" I wept.

"(Y/n)..." he said in a weak voice. "You mean so much to me." He dried his tears and cleared his throat," So that's why I'll protect you, neither of us are going to die!"

I dried my tears too. "Alright, and I promise not to be a burden!"


We arrived at Area 51 with no problems. Jyugo and I discussed our plan before getting out the car. First, I'm going to disable the cameras and alarm system. Once I do that then Jyugo is going to unlock the front entrance. After that I'll hack into the computer system and pull up the map of the building. Since Jyugo doesn't want me to be by myself, we aren't going to split up and search for the man with the scar, which does make sense because we have no way to communicate to each other if one of us found him in a different area of the building.

We won't have much time though, if it's anything like the last time, we will only have 20 minutes before all the security, alarm, cameras, and computer system are turned on. I'm not sure how we'll be able to do all this in 20 minutes and not get caught. We also would have to find the man with the scar fast, the only clue we have is that he's been seen around Area 51 according to my mother, but there's a possibility that he's not here anymore. I'm starting to feel nervous and have doubts, but Jyugo comforts me by extending his hand out. I take it and we begin our mission to find the man with the scar.


I hope you liked this chapter! Make sure to read my other books if you're a fan of Kuroko no basket! I am the author of Arrested (Aomine x reader), Kuroko no short stories, Star Crossed (Akashi x reader), and the sequel to Star Crossed called Vengeance and Lust (Akashi x reader)!

Also, check out TheRealKoroSensei works, you won't regret it!

Written April 12th,2017
Published May 5th,2017
Next Update May 8th, 2017

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