Chapter 13 The Man Behind the Mask

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Whoever drew this picture of Jyugo, I love you lol anyway here's chapter 13!


(Y/n)'s POV

Jyugo held my hand tightly and whispered in my ear," Everything will be ok (y/n)."

"Thank you, I don't know why I'm so nervous when I have you by my side." I replied as I disabled the cameras, security system, and alarms.

That started our 20 minutes we had to find the man with the scar, interrogate him, and unlock Jyugo's cuffs. After I disabled everything, my boyfriend easily unlocked the front door, and we successfully got into Area 51. Everything is going according to plan. Next I hacked into the computer system and pulled up the map for inside. Jyugo peered over my shoulder to look at the map.

"I think we should go this way...I can sense his presence." He told me.

"Okay, I trust you Jyu-jyu bear~" I laughed.

He smiled at me and he took my hand and started running.

"I should be the one taking your hand since I'm faster," I pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah don't rub it in." He rolled his eyes as I took his hand and led the way.


It's been 10 minutes, half our time's up, and we still haven't found the man with the scar. I didn't realize how big Area 51 is because it felt as if we've running in the same direction for hours. I believe Jyugo is right, if anyone knows where the man with the scar is, it's him. My legs were getting tired, but I forced myself to press on.

"Are you tired (y/n)? Do you want me to carry you the rest of the way?" My boyfriend joked and asked me.

"Haha very funny Jyugo...I'm fine though don't worry about me. Plus we've reached the end of the map, so hopefully the man with the scar is behind this door." I responded.

"Yeah, hopefully," he said as he unlocked the door.

The door creaked open. It was a small grayish  room with a light flickering on and off, a table with various documents spread out on it, a tall file cabinet, and a single chair centered in the middle of the room with a person tied to the chair covered with a mask. Is this him; the man with the scar? Jyugo approached the body and untied the the man and removed the mask from the person's face, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

" it really you?!" I cried.

I don't understand how is this possible, wasn't he murdered?! Or is he the man with the scar on the back of his neck? I don't want to believe that, but the way it's looking is making it be a possibility. I walked behind the man to see if he bared the scar on his nape.

"I can't believe really is you."


I hope you liked this chapter! Make sure to read my other books if you're a fan of Kuroko no basket! I am the author of Arrested (Aomine x reader), Kuroko no short stories, Star Crossed (Akashi x reader), and the sequel to Star Crossed called Vengeance and Lust (Akashi x reader)!

Also, check out TheRealKoroSensei works, you won't regret it!

Written April 12th,2017
Published May 8th,2017
Next Update May 11th, 2017

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