Chapter Twelve

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I groaned as I woke up, feeling terrible. Troye's arms were tight around me. Too tight. I was too hot. Wriggling, I rolled out of his arms and kicked off the blankets. The cool air was comforting and I sighed, trying to fall back asleep.

"Babe?" Troye's sleep-laced voice had me turning to face him. "You okay?"

"No. I feel like crap." I moaned. He reached over and gently touched my forehead.

"You're burning up."

"I have to get to work..." I said, suddenly remembering. I sat up too fast and fell back against the pillows dizzily.

"You're not going to work today. You're staying right here in bed."

"No, I have to..."

"Nothing. You have nothing to do today except sleep and get better." He told me, pushing me down when I tried to sit up again. Giving in, I let out a moan and rolled over, now shivering in the cool morning air. "Get some sleep. I'll call your boss, okay?"

"'Kay." I mumbled, pulling up the covers and curling onto my side. Troye climbed out of bed carefully, quietly crossing the room to pull the blinds closed even more. We usually slept with them half open but since it was day-time, the light was starting to come in and it would be easier for me to sleep if it was dark.

"Feel better soon, babe." He whispered, shutting the door. I grunted in reply, burying myself deeper in the blankets.


I don't know how long I was asleep for but I woke to the sound of gentle knocking at the bedroom door. Not daring to move any part of my now aching body, except my eyes, I looked over to see Troye peering around the doorframe.

"You awake?"

"Mm." I moan quietly and hear Troye giggle.

"Just wanted to see how you're going. You feeling any better?" In answer to his question, I suddenly bolted up from the bed, rushing to the bathroom with my hand clamped over my mouth and puking up my guts into the toilet. I jumped a little when I felt a hand on my back, gently rubbing soothing circles. I hadn't realised that Troye had followed me.

"You don't want to see this." I mumbled when I could speak, resting my head on the cool tiles of the floor.

"I don't care. When we got married, I promised I'd be there for you, in sickness and in health. Remember?"

"Fine." I didn't have the energy to argue with him. "Where's Riley?"

"I took her to your sister's place so she doesn't catch whatever this is." He told me. "But I'm staying to look after you."

"Ugh." I groaned and lifted my head, feeling nauseous again.

"Take it easy." Troye whispered, rubbing my back again as I waited to stop dry-retching. When I finally felt like it was over, I allowed Troye to help me back to bed where I curled up in my blanket cocoon, leaving only my eyes uncovered. I watched as he disappeared out the door, only to come back moments later with a glass of water in his hands. "Here, try to drink some of this."

"No..." I moaned, rolling away but regretting the action instantly as I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. I froze, hoping to calm my body. Troye waited patiently as I just breathed for a moment, eventually relaxing again.

"Just a sip, yeah? You have to stay hydrated." He tried again and sat on the bed beside me. I nodded and sat up a little, just enough to let him hold the glass to my lips and tilt it so I could take a few tiny sips of water. I have to admit, it did make my throat feel better.

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