Character Short

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10:37 Pm Your POV

You were walking out of a forest as you approach a burning town.

Grimm Slayer was at your side, always. You felt it growing stronger. It was close to changing once again.

You walked forward with your black cloak over your head.

Sensing the Grimm around you, you begin to head into the town. Unsheathing Grimm Slayer, its dark crimson blade bleeds through the night... Then a huge claw came approaching your back. With a simple sidestep, you slash the arm in two, and the Beowolf looks out in shock before your blade cleanly severs its head off its shoulders.

Then the whole pack of Beowolves started to come out and form a circle around you.

You felt the wind blow across your face, and as it did your black hood fell, letting the moon shine upon your silver grey hair, the result of your transformation 6 months ago...

Your green eyes shined like emeralds in the dark. As quick as they shined, they soon filled with crimson and turned peerless like rubies. The crimson glow of your eyes seeks out the shadows that lurk...

They slowly drew closer and closed the distance. With your stance, you held the Katana facing forward, the hilt angled toward you, and the blade aimed at the hearts of your enemies.

They started to jump on you. You did a back flip, dodging most of their claws until one went near your arm.

As it hit, there was a sound of metal scrapping along an edge. The claw was on your arm, nearly tearing into your clothes. The claw is repealed back as the gauntlet on your arm begins to shift further.

From your gauntlet, it transforms into a full arm guard covering your shoulder and the back of your hand, the improved version offering its utmost protection.

The gauntlet begins to spark and soon you unleash an electrical current, it quickly arcs to the Grimm on the ground, and you kick its head, soon breaking the neck.

Soon they surround you to pounce but you quickly slammed your fist into the ground, causing a shockwave in which the gauntlet ripples.

This stuns them and you finish them with a single strike decapitating them.

Then you switched to Crimson Rose and shot a couple in the head. Then you switched it to its magnum form and with a powerful shot you obliterated a group.

You put it back in its holster and you cut another one down.

You get pounced by one and it starts to claw and bite you. You grunt as you kicked it off you before stabbing it in the head.

You: There's such a huge number of Grimm lately. This just gets annoying with each one... I can see why Qrow has a reason to drink all the time.

You jump in the air to cut a Nevermore in half and as you begin to fall, you catch onto another one flying by.

You stab through its wings, and it starts to fall toward the town.

You do a spinning attack cutting its head off and you land on a rooftop.

You use your grapple to swing yourself across the field and kick over a group of Beowolves.

As you land you hear a cry of a child. You turn your head to see a little girl and next to her you presume is her brother out cold by the rubble.

More Grimm starts to get attracted to her and you place a magic barrier over them and turn your attention toward them.

Then a fiery ball of flame comes from your hand as your eyes glow. Then you fling it in front of them and it explodes in impact killing a few.

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