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(Ahh this is a long chapter (2,921), but it's all good! Song is Puppy Love by This Wild Life. Wait to start.)

I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought of was-

"THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!" Zach yelled bursting through my room door finishing my thought.

The light flooded into the room and I groaned throwing my pillow at Zach and put my blanket back over my head. Zach laughed and I could hear him moving towards the window and he opened it. I groaned even more.

"Zach... Go away. I'm up." I grumbled.

"No way! I'm not letting you sleep longer we're gonna be late." he scolded me as he put his arms around me and pulled me off the bed.

I squeaked some since I couldn't see I didn't expect it. The blanket was still surrounding me like a burrito as Zach dragged me across the room I just let myself fall limp as he did.

"Leave me aloooone." I whined and swatted through the blanket.

I could hear Zach snickering. "Gladly." he replied and let go sending me crashing to the floor.

If it was even possible I groaned even more and just laid on the ground underneath the heap of a blanket. I had no motivation whatsoever to get up.

"Hey, someone's looking for you." Zach chuckled.

"What?" I asked through a yawn.

"Why don't you get up and look yourself." he retorted.

Crap. Josh.

I got up with the blanket still over my head I could feel the heat flowing to my cheeks as a blush formed, he probably saw all of that. I lifted the cover over my head and gave a shy wave and a sheepish laugh.

"Hey Josh.." I said quietly keeping the blanket around my shoulders.

"Morning." he smiled and bit his lip to keep from laughing.

"Welp, I'll be downstairs waiting!" Zach boomed and exited the room quite dramatically.

I rolled my eyes, "Well, let me just get ready and I'll be down okay? You can meet Zach outside if you want."

Josh nodded and closed his window and I got ready for school. I got everything together quickly and exited my room and began heading downstairs, but stopped when I heard my dad and Zach talking, but it was more lecturing and Zach was raising his voice some. I crept downstairs quietly and stopped outside the kitchen where the two were talking.

"-that you do this all the time! You don't even give him a chance and he hasn't even done anything wrong." I caught the rest of Zach's sentence.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Zach." My father said sternly. "You need to focus on yourself and not Tyler. You don't need to become like him, you have so much going for you. Don't ruin it trying to be like your older brother. You'll see it when you get older he's irresponsible and lazy and he doesn't do anything for this family."

"He does more than you." Zach scoffed. "You used to love Tyler. Remember that? Before you knew he was gay! Ever since then nothing he does is good enough for you." he gave a hateful laugh. "If there's anyone I don't want to be like it's you."

"Zach, honey.." my mom started in. I didn't even know she was still here. "Your father is just trying to do what's best for you.. Tyler isn't on the right track and he's not the most focused-"

Well that hurt.. I stopped listening after that because I didn't expect to hear that come from my mother. She was always sticking up for me to my Dad. Zach and her were the only two I could count on. Now it looks like it was only Zach.

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