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A/n: SURPRISE THIS CHAPTER IS THE ONLY CHAPTER IN JOSH'S POV! The italics in the beginning is a flashback, the one at the end is a dream just for the FYI.

Song is Ghost Town by Radical Face, wait to start.


*One Month Ago, the night of Ryan's murder*

I was laying down on my back watching the TV in the living room. No one was home, not even Jordan. He's gotten the hang of how to make it around here. By that I mean not being anywhere near our own family. He's got a great head on his shoulder, I'm just happy I was able to shield him from the things I've had to do to keep us alive.

Tyler was doing something with his brother I think tonight, but we had seen each other basically every day since we got together 6 months ago. Not that I'm complaining, I love him. He's helped me in so many ways I owe a lot to him. He's probably one of the main reasons I haven't gone to jail.

I was about to give in and just text Tyler to go over there when I heard a knock on the door. I smiled to myself thinking Tyler was probably the one at the door. He's the only one who ever knocked on the door these days. Great minds think alike I guess.

I got up to open the door and frowned slightly about who was actually standing there.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said staring at Brendon and Dallon.

"Yo what's up Josh! Long time no see dude." Brendon said walking past me into the house Dallon following suit.

I sighed shutting the door behind us. "Yeah.. There's a reason for that.."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Getting your head on straight blah blah. You sound like Ryan." Brendon rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of Ryan, he's got a pretty good hookup. Would you take us to go get some? We'll split it with ya." Dallon spoke up.

"Why can't you get it yourself?" I asked.

"C'mooooon Josh.. Man it's been forever.. We miss ya dude. Do this for us one last time. Just like the good ol' times. Whadda ya say?" Brendon leaned in doing the puppy dog eyes.

I let out a sigh and shrugged. "Fine, yeah, okay.. Just this last time.. I mean it."

"We do, too, man. Trust us, it's the last time going to Ryan." Dallon stated.

"Last time for anything." I clearified, but Brendon gave Dallon a small glare which caused me to raise a brow.

"Let me get dressed."


I should've known at that point something was wrong. I could feel it. My intuition was screaming not to go. It was screaming at me to just say no and go over to Tyler's. But it was just one last time, it wasn't going to hurt. I was wrong, I was terribly terribly wrong.


I parked outside Ryan and Jon's house down here in the ghetto part of Columbus. Brendon and Dallon said they would be right back and I didn't have to come in with them. I let them out and waited. A few minutes pass and I started to hear raised voices coming from inside the house. What was happening.

I got out of the car to see if I could hear better, it got louder and sounded like somewhat of a fight had broken out. I was heading across the street when I stopped dead in my tracks to the sound of gunfire. One shot. Two. Then three. Nothing. I blinked somewhat, too scared to move forward, then the front door slammed open and Brendon was running out. Dallon had a backpack on when I heard another few gunshots coming from behind them.

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