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((A/n: Song is Don't Believe Everything You Hear - The Ocean Blue. Wait to start.))

I ended up accidentally falling asleep on the couch last night, so I almost didn't hear my alarm clock ringing from the other room. Thankfully my mom was on top of things. I had to get up earlier for public school than when I did for homeschooling.

And I actually had to get ready for school for once. There was no just roll out of bed and go down to the kitchen with my books anymore.

"Tyler! Time to get up! Get ready for school!" She called from down the stairs.

"I'm up!" I called back and swung my legs over the side of the couch. I grumbled as I shuffled to my room to turn off the blaring alarm and got ready to go.

I did what my normal routine was, just showering and getting dressed. I trudged back to my room with my towel draped around my hips as I started into my closet for something to wear.

"Okay Tyler.. First day of public school ever.. So.. something nice, but not too nice. You don't want to stick out.. " I stared for a long time into the black hole that was my closet. I didn't realize till now just how hard it was to pick an outfit for school. "I owe all those girls in those shows apologies.." I mumbled to myself as I picked up some black skinny jeans and a pair of socks.

I made sure I was completely dried off before throwing on my boxers, socks, and jeans. I threw on my floral vans and now the only thing I had to find was a shirt. Or a hoodie.. I really liked hoodies.

Being undecisive I just picked out a plain black shirt and threw it on. I looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed my fluffy hair to be at least somewhat styled.

Jeeze, was I wearing too much black? I don't wanna be known as the emo depressed kid again.. I bit at my bottom lip and shook my head. It's fine, Tyler..

I grabbed my backpack from off the floor by my door and headed down the stairs and grabbed a poptart despite me not really being hungry. My stomach was doing flips.

I said goodbye to everyone and Zach and I headed out the door. The high school was close enough for us to walk, Zach was a freshman and I was a senior. Madison and Jay had to take the bus. Lucky us, I was so glad I didn't have to ride the bus.

Zach and I made small talk as we approached the high school and once we were close enough I stopped him.

"Hey, uh, if anyone bothers you tell me okay?" I told him trying to at least attempt to be a protective older brother.

"Me?" Zach laughed. "How about you tell me if anyone bothers you. Kay Ty?"

"Whatever.." I mumbled rolling my eyes and nudging his arm.

We both laughed some, but I could tell Zach was nervous, too. After all it was his first day of public school as well. At least he was a freshman. Starting school as a senior kinda sucks.. Then it's off with the bigwigs to college.

Lord, save me now.

We both walked into the school and stopped to glance around as teenagers shuffled past, some with their head down in a book, in their phones, or whatever else. Others were being loud and obnoxious with their friends. Rough housing and high fiving. It was a pretty good example of the whole yin and yang balance crap.

Zach kept moving forward leaving me behind to watch on in silence. I shortly shook myself from the thoughts and kept moving towards the office where we got our schedules and locker combo's from the receptionist. Zach left to go towards the freshman hall and I the senior hall.

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