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((YAY I've been excited for this chapter xD DON'T HATE ME PLEASE LMAO YOU ALL MIGHT HATE ME. oops. Anyway~

The song is The Sadness Will Never End acoustic cover by D at Sea. WAIT to start.

TOTALLY CHECK THIS GUY OUT. I used to LOVE HIM in high school and middle school. His covers are by god amazing. He kinda just fell off the face of the planet though ): He occasionally posts on FB and stuff but Doyle (his name) took down a lot of his covers and I'm crying. Have been for years cause I love him. ANYWHO ENJOY I LOVE YOU.))

The next morning came around and people were waking up from raging headaches caused from their hangovers. I was one of those individuals. I rubbed at my tired eyes as I sat up from the couch. I shook Josh who was laying next to me gently.

"Looks like mostly everyone found their way out." I stated and put a hand up to my eyes to pinch them. "Agh I feel like shit."

Josh chuckled some. "I bet you do.. You didn't exactly take it slow last night."

I laughed slightly as well and I looked over to Josh with a big smile. "You still remember right?"

"Of course." he gave an adoring smile towards me. "How could I forget my boyfriend."

I giggled some as I laid back and rest my head on Josh's chest. He leaned down and placed a kiss on top of my head.

"I guess we should get cleaning, huh?"

"That'd probably be best." he chuckled.

I sighed some as I got up and grabbed my head. Josh told me to hold up while he went and got me a water and aspirin. Said it would help with the hangover. I took it gladly and then we started ushering everyone else out and began the cleaning process. It took hours upon hours of making sure the entire house was completely spotless and was void of any alcoholic smell.

Yes, the party was fun, but never again am I throwing one. The repercussions at the end of it was too much for me to care to do it again. Once we were done Josh and I went out to lunch and then we went back to my house. We were both honestly exhausted so we headed upstairs and turned a movie on just to fall asleep cuddled up on the couch.


*Two Months Later*

It has officially been a little over a couple months since Josh and I started dating and close to half a year that we've known each other. I've been the happiest I have ever been and my brother makes fun of me all the time for it.

"Tyler's in loooove." he said as we laid on the couch downstairs in the basement playing video games. He made kissy noises and was cooing at me until I reached over and gave him a dead leg.

"I'm not in love." I shook my head with a laugh.

"I'm calling bullshit." he scoffed. "You walk around with that stupid grin on your face all the time and heaven forbid when Josh is around you can't stop eye fucking him."

"Shut up!" I laughed out as I then gave him a punch to the arm.

"It's not a bad thing! Stop hitting me!" he laughed and punched me back. "It's cute."

I rolled my eyes as we settled back down on the couch to continue the game we had been playing for hours. Our parents were out of town again and honestly I could get used to this. I liked it a lot better when they weren't here.

((Start song now.))

I paused the game when I felt my phone vibrate and knew the only other person to text me would probably be Josh. When his name popped up on the notification screen I swiped it open with a smile while Zach made kissy noises at me again.

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