"Okay so I get it today is color day and every student gets to wear colorful clothes but what's with the good and bad act?" River nudged my side as I groaned from the memory.
"Lost a bet with Callum. Dared both of us to reflect on the angel vs devil theme. So here we are" I messily ate my chips as River snickered.
"Okay Rain get up we need to get to class" I nodded at Lily and got up before ruffling River's hair and flicking Ajax's ear. I put my arm on Lily's shoulder as we walked to our class.
"Hey is it just me or there is totally something wrong with this school?" Lily asked while keeping her eyes forward. I leaned my head over hers.
"Yup there is. I mean yes River and Ajax may not be popular here but there seems to be something this school has against them"
"Especially Ajax" I nodded in her hair as we both walked down the hall getting a few stares yet still getting to class. The class went silent as we went inside and took seats in the middle row near the left wall.
"Oh my gosh!" A girl with brown eyes and black hair turned towards us, "What you did with Larry was so awesome!" Lily grinned at her as I had a poker face on.
"I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam, this" She pointed towards a girl with blonde hair and black eyes who waved lightly at us, "Is Josephine just call her J. And we are big fans of yours" She squealed as "J" nodded at us.
"Awh. I'm Lilith and this is Rainelle" I still had a bored expression on as Lily smiled brightly. What can I say I am not social. I leaned my head on Lily's shoulder as the three girls talked about how Larry is a douche.
"Are you two a couple?" Josephine, who is pretty quiet, asked. I smirked and wrapped my arms around Lily with my eyes still closed.
"Yup" I murmured as Lily's body slightly shook with a chuckle. Both the girls started squealing and saying how cute we looked.
"Shh you guys are getting annoying" I furrowed my brows and put my finger on my lips. They both went quiet as Lily slightly hit my arm.
"Behave 'babe'" I chuckled lightly at her.
"She doesn't talk much right?" Samantha asked as Lily nodded. Soon the teacher came in and we were studying Physics.
"So you guys want to hang out later?" Samantha asked as I put my arm on Lily's shoulder again.
"We'll see. We have a very tough schedule. I have to take this" I turned towards Lily and pinched her nose, "Cupcake out for a date too so.."
"Oh yeah don't worry! Have fun you two!" Samantha winked and giggled as she and Josephine left.
"Cupcake?" Lily raised a brow.
"Come on honey bunch don't be like this" We both laughed and walked towards our next class.
"Hey listen up Rainelle!" I looked over my shoulder to see Larry stalking towards us. Right now we four were sitting under a tree in the football field with our lunch. My head was in Lily's lap while Lily's back against the tree. Both the boys were laying infront of us on their backs.
"What Barry?" I smirked as he shook with anger.
"It's Larry you little-"
"I wouldn't finish the sentence if I were you" Lily warned as Larry coughed lightly. Both the guys sat up and looked at the scene unfolding.

Touched by Rain.
Action"Wow you really expect me to do that? Stop being a whining baby?!" I yelled in his face pointing my finger at him. His eyes bore into my blurred with tears ones. "Yes yes I expect you to be strong" slight only a tiny amount of concern could be felt...