Picture of River ^^__
I slurped down my ramen and wiped my mouth while grinning as Callum did the same and Lily just stared at us in disgust. I chuckled at her reaction and licked the bowl while looking at her as she shuddered in disgust."Well I should get going" I stood up as they both did too. They both nodded at me. I hugged them bye and walked outside. Today I had to go late to my job. Oh yea I guess I forgot to tell you. I worked at a small cafe called Betsy's. They know I attend school so I work on the weekends from the morning till 4pm. It depended usually. I walked back home.
"Mom?" I whispered and saw her sitting in the kitchen. She got up and slapped me across the cheek. I bit on my lip and looked at her.
"Did you take your medicine?" I said calmly.
"WHY? WHY ARE YOU SO NICE TO ME AND CARE ABOUT ME EVEN WHEN I HIT YOU!" She screeched out and held her temples. I just shrugged. I went upstairs and took my apron wearing it. It was just a plain dark blue apron with a huge pocket in the mid bottom. I went downstairs with mom's medicine and passed it to her while giving her a glass of water. She just stared at them.
"Take two pink ones and one white one right now after you eat something" With that said I left for the Cafe. I have to earn money one way or another. Cafe and street fighting made me enough money only to pay for school and my parents' medicines. Dad has a severe Asthma while mom would come up with a coughing fit every now and then. Phone, clothes or shoes or stuff I earn with extreme hard work. I used to split money with Lily until she stopped taking it scolding me that I needed more. I entered the Cafe from the back door into the white Kitchen. It was huge as the place was famous. Grey counters of steel on both lefts and rights. Big stoves and pans everywhere. I walked towards the other end and towards the counter.
"Heya Becky" I waved at Becky. Betsy was her mom and she owned this place. Beck, me and Andrew worked here. Henry was the chef. She waved back at me and motioned her head at a table on the right as I nodded at her and got to work.
"Hello how may I take your order?" I smiled at the small family. It was a dad, mom and a small girl with red pigtails. She hugged my leg as I chuckled and crouched down to get eye level with her. I heard the door's small bell ring signaling another costumer was here.
"Hello beautiful" I winked at her as she blushed lightly. She gave me a toothy smile which was missing the first two teeth. I chuckled and picked her up.
"So what would you like?"
"Strawberry milkshake PWEASE!" I chuckled and noted it down. I sat her down and took her parent's orders.
I took many orders. Teenagers, old people, couples. I looked around and grinned to find it was the last table. I walked towards them only to find River and Ajax sitting there, they both were in a serious discussion and were frowning.
"We need to tell her soon" Ajax rubbed his hands on his face as River nodded. I walked over and said in a bored tone.
"Hello how may I take your order?" They literally jumped in air as they saw me and stared at me, clearly startled. I held in a chuckle as they smiled lightly.
"Hey Rain" I flinched lightly as River took my real name.
"You look beautiful" Ajax seemed to be in a dream like state. I felt my cheeks get hot as River kicked Ajax on his shin making the whole table move.
"Ow what was that for?" Ajax whined as River glared at him.
"For trying to hit on her" He hissed as I chuckled.

Touched by Rain.
Action"Wow you really expect me to do that? Stop being a whining baby?!" I yelled in his face pointing my finger at him. His eyes bore into my blurred with tears ones. "Yes yes I expect you to be strong" slight only a tiny amount of concern could be felt...