Chapter Two - Decisions

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After further investigations Tom came to the conclusion that there were only two options as to whom the prophecy was about. It had to be either the Longbottoms or the Potters. When Tom had finally decided that the Potter boy was his target and he told his Death Eaters to hunt the Potters down, Severus reacted in a strange way. Obviously, everybody knew that the Potters needed to be killed but Severus seemed unusually tormented by the thought. When all the Death Eaters filed out after the meeting, Severus stayed behind, asking Tom for a word in private. Tom eyed him with his cold eyes, pondering the request. Out of curiosity he finally granted him his wish. At first Severus stammered incoherently about the prophecy. When Tom was already on the verge of losing his patience, Severus finally came out with his plea and begged him to spare the Potter woman's life. Tom instantly sneered in regard to this pathetic wish and was about to laugh at the ridiculous request when he caught a glimpse of the pain in Severus' eyes and the laughter stuck in his throat. Tom didn't quite know what happened but the pain in Severus' eyes vehemently reminded him of something he had buried somewhere very deep inside his memory, something he had tried so hard to forget and yet he simply couldn't get rid of. It reminded him of the excruciating pain he had felt the night when he had killed her. The sneer was wiped off his face and he pursed his lips. He stared at Severus for a long moment before he replied, "I will offer her the chance to be spared. That's all I can promise."

It was Halloween 1981 and Tom was standing in the Potter's house in Godric's Hollow, in the boy's room. James Potter had put up a courageous fight but in the end he had stood no chance and Tom had blasted him away. Lily Potter turned out to be a problem. Tom had already offered twice to spare her if she only stood aside and let him have a go at the boy. But the foolish woman didn't move. Tom felt his temper flare. He tried one last time, but it was in vain. Tom's eyes turned red and he cast the Killing Curse without further thinking. The split second before she was hit by the curse he saw this gleam in her eyes, strong and powerful. Then she fell and her eyes were empty. Tom turned towards the boy and raised his wand again but just when he was about to cast the fatal curse he suddenly felt as if he was missing something important. He lowered his wand again, staring at the boy in his cot. He swore under his breath. This wasn't good. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. He knew he needed to kill the boy, but he hesitated, his mind racing. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the ring on his hand. He had taken to wearing it again ever since he had realized its true origin. He snorted and swore again. Then he took off the ring and slowly turned it thrice.

Tom stared at Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia looked at Tom, then at the boy and at the woman on the floor and finally back at Tom. She slightly raised an eyebrow. "I'd say you got yourself into trouble."

"You used to be less cheeky," Tom huffed.

"I guess that's the consequence of having nothing to lose." She looked at the boy again. "Obviously you didn't want to be alone with the boy."

"I have to kill him," Tom spat.

"Surely you don't need me for that?" Cassiopeia asked sarcastically.

Tom ignored her sarcasm. "Do you think it's safe?" Tom stared at Lily Potter's body on the floor.

Cassiopeia threw him a questioning glance. "Did I miss anything? It's a baby."

Tom scowled at the boy. "You missed the way I killed his mother. Severus wanted me to spare her and I intended to do so because....well, doesn't matter why, but I asked her to stand aside and the foolish woman wouldn't move."

Cassiopeia sneered. "And that surprised you? You threaten to kill her son and you expect her to step aside? I thought you said you understood something that night when you killed me."

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