Chapter Thirteen - Consolation

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When Tom finally held the diadem in his hands, Cassiopeia eyed him warily. There was unlimited greed and desire burning in his eyes, making him look so beautiful and yet so dangerous. Cassiopeia exhaled sharply and desperately hoped that Tom would be true to his word and not turn the diadem into another Horcrux.

Tom stared at the diadem in his hands. He could sense the powerful magic it was radiating. His magic was crackling excitedly around him, sparkling and vibrating in anticipation. Corrupted by the burning sensation of unlimited magical power, he felt the temptation to throw caution to the wind and make another Horcrux nonetheless. After all, there was no proof that his assumption was right and it was actually his future self who tried to prevent him from splitting his soul any further.

Tom carefully traced the gleaming gems with his thumbs, eying the diadem greedily, lost in his thoughts, and Cassiopeia felt his resolution waver. She bit her lip and slowly moved closer until she stood right next to him. In the desperate attempt to distract him from the diadem she brushed her hand gently against his arm.

Tom looked up. Cassiopeia's eyes were full of anxiety and foreboding, and he instinctively knew that she sensed his hesitation. He pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes. Everything would be so much easier if he were alone. Everything could be so simple if she didn't always make things so damn complicated. Tom felt his temper flare. He could still recall the sting of the stranger's words back then in the Chamber. 'Believe me, I know she would die for you. This is your chance to avoid making all the wrong choices. Don't wreck her. Don't wreck yourself. Don't waste all our lives. You owe me that.' Tom clenched his teeth. Maybe this was his chance to avoid making the wrong choices. Maybe she was actually going to save him. And yet maybe none of this was real.

He knew he had to think things through thoroughly. There was no need to make the decision right now. He carefully pocketed the diadem.

Cassiopeia slowly relaxed. She knew the danger wasn't over, but at least it was averted for the time being.


A few days later Cassiopeia received a letter from her brother asking her to come home because their father was seriously ill. Cassiopeia stared at the parchment, and she felt her mind go blank. She knew that if she had to leave Tom now, if he stayed behind now, there was a good chance that she would lose him to his burning desire for immortality for good. She had seen him eying the diadem longingly every night. She had seen the gleam in his eyes whenever he looked at it.

And yet she knew she had to leave. Her father was going to die. She carefully folded the letter and left the tent. Tom was outside, trying some of the curses he had recently read about. Cassiopeia watched him for a moment. Then she cleared her throat.

"I have to return." Her voice was hoarse.

Tom threw her a questioning glance, and she wordlessly handed him the letter. He skimmed through the text and folded the letter again. He knew it was finally time to decide which way to take. He could stay in Albania and create another Horcrux without having Cassiopeia anywhere near. He could finally have things the easy way for once. Alternatively, he could refrain from making another Horcrux and concentrate on achieving his aims without splitting his soul any further.

He contemplated things for a long while. Cassiopeia watched him closely, anxiety running through her veins. Even though his face was the usual blank mask, she knew he was debating his options, and she found herself praying that he would make the right decision.

A strange wave of relief washed over her when he finally said, "I'll go back with you."


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