Chapter Eighteen - Moving on

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Cassiopeia had been wary of Tom's gang of Slytherins from the very beginning, and the events of the evening back then in the Room of Requirement had shown her that she had not been mistaken about them. They would indeed obsessively follow Tom anywhere. Cassiopeia couldn't actually blame them, because, after all, the awesomely powerful aura of his magic was truly addictive and intoxicating, and probably even more so, seeing that the boys had been targeted by this unlimited force more than once.

Cassiopeia knew she had been trying to deceive herself for a while, trying to hope there might be a chance that Tom wouldn't reunite his little gang once again, but she had to admit that she had never been naïve enough to actually believe this and expect him to refrain from doing so.

No matter how much she disliked it, she had to face up to the fact that he would engage in changing the wizarding world to his liking either way, with or without her. If she hoped to make any difference she would have to play along. In the end it all came down to what she had been suspecting for quite a while now, she was far too addicted to Tom's magic to ever back out.


Tom had just ended one of his Death Eater meetings. The news from the Ministry had been promising. Many of the important employees had been surprisingly easy to persuade into believing that Tom's vision of a world dominated by wizards was desirable to attain. Others had been won over by blackmailing them. Of course, there remained opponents whom they would have to fight in the end, but for now things were actually going well.

The others had already left when Malfoy cleared his throat. "My lord, may I make a suggestion?"

Tom shot him a questioning glance. "What is it, Malfoy?"

"I know that things at the Ministry are going rather smoothly. Still there are a few people who are not yet convinced but whom I believe we should not frighten off by using violence." His voice trailed away.

Tom glanced at him and pondered his words for a moment. "So what do you suggest?" he finally asked.

"Drogheda and I intend to host a dinner party this Saturday, and I thought about inviting those wizards. I mean, we could try to change their minds. I think..." He paused. "I think it might be helpful if you attended, my lord." Malfoy didn't meet Tom's gaze.

Tom raised his eyebrows. He thought for another moment before he finally nodded, "Fine."

Malfoy looked up in astonishment. Honestly, he hadn't been expecting that his suggestion would be accepted. "Great."

Tom turned to leave. Before he opened the door, he paused for a moment. Then he looked back over his shoulder and eyed Malfoy firmly. "I won't come alone."

Malfoy looked a little surprised, but he instantly nodded. "Of course, my lord."

When Tom returned to Houlton Manor, he went straight to Cassiopeia's room. He knocked and opened the door. Cassiopeia was sitting at her desk, writing on a parchment. Upon his entry she looked up.

"There'll be a dinner party at Malfoy's this Saturday, and you'll be going there with me," Tom stated bluntly.

Cassiopeia leaned back on her chair and eyed him curiously. He was still standing in the doorframe, watching her blankly.

A smirk crossed her face, and she got up and walked over to him.

When she was standing in front of him, she asked, raising an eyebrow, "So, to what do I owe the pleasure? Does his lordship need to pretend once again?"

After a moment Tom returned the smirk. "Maybe." He leaned closer to her. "But maybe I just don't want to go alone." His voice was seductive.

Realizing what he was doing, she narrowed her eyes slightly, but then her lips turned into a smirk again. After all, two could play at that game. She swiftly ran a hand through his impeccably styled hair. He didn't flinch, but she had the impression that it actually took some self-restraint.

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