Chapter Seventeen - Refuge

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Tom sensed Cassiopeia's gaze on himself and wondered if she was expecting an answer. He had no doubt that he would cross what she called 'the limits' more than once to achieve his goals. But to him it really didn't matter if the world remained a place worth living in for the unworthy. After all, who cared if they would despair over the changes he intended to establish? Who cared what would happen to them anyway? He didn't intend to preserve the world as it was for the sake of others, least of all for those who had never given a damn about him or about what they did to him.

Tom cast a quick glance at Cassiopeia. Apparently, his train of thoughts had been too obvious, because she suppressed a sigh and said, "It's the vast majority we're talking about. It will influence your plans, one way or another, whether you like it or not."

Tom shrugged. "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."


Tom chose Malfoy Manor as the Headquarters for his cause. Malfoy had been overly enthusiastic to let the group meet at his home. Tom was pleased to find that his knights had lost nothing of their enthusiasm and determination to follow his lead to finally dominate the wizarding world, purge it of Muggle-borns and put the Muggles in their place. They had by now inherited their family trusts, making them wealthy and independent. Their positions in the Ministry provided them with excellent prospects of finally subduing their opponents.

Tom had carefully contemplated the way he wanted to proceed. There would always be people who wouldn't agree with their idea of oppressing the Muggles and restricting the Muggle-borns. But it would definitely depend on his course of action how many opponents would remain in the end.

He could strike brutally and forcefully, but that would doubtlessly arouse aggression and resistance. If he proceeded in more refined ways, more subtle, more efficient and maybe somehow even more cruel, he might win over even those who were frightened and appalled by too much violence.

His inner circle of Death Eaters was gathered in Malfoy's living room. Tom didn't know who had come up with the name first, but somehow he liked it. He reclined in the armchair and eyed the others closely.

"I'm aware you've been wondering for quite a while now how we are going to proceed. I've contemplated this carefully. Our highest priority surely has to be the government. We need to win the Ministry over." Tom's voice was emotionless and detached.

Avery sat up straight. "How are we going to do this?"

"Do you want to get into the Ministry yourself?" Malfoy asked curiously.

Tom cast him a glance and pondered the question for a moment. He had asked himself the same question several times. Finally he answered, "No, I don't think so. I'm not made for politics. I don't want compromises. I want absolute power."

Lestrange drawled, "What do you want us to do?"

Tom smirked. "You'll plant the seed of our beliefs into those who are amenable to our ideas. And you'll curse compliance into those who resist us. The change will need time, but with time we'll succeed."

Tom watched the others take in his words. He smirked. They would probably be considerably better at cursing than at persuading. But he would make sure that they would eventually succeed in both.

He cleared his throat. "We'll be meeting once a week from now on. I want you to restart practising your Dark Arts' skills regularly. We shall start with a few duels. I hope you haven't been too lazy during my absence?"

His knights hastily muttered their denials. Tom sneered at them. The next moment he had his wand in his hand. Without warning he hurled a Cutting Hex at Mulciber.

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