Chapter Twelve - Adventures

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Cassiopeia had successfully talked her father into allowing her to travel to Albania with Tom. Tom had thought her foolish for telling the truth, or at least part of it, but Cassiopeia didn't want to lie to her father. She had been convinced that he would never deny her the possibility to broaden her knowledge and experience, and, just as expected, her excitement about the things she would be able to learn in Albania had won her father over. At first he had been a little wary of her being so far away, with only Tom to accompany her. But since Tom had stayed at Houlton Manor for almost every break of the past two years, her father had been able to get to know Tom, or rather the impeccable image that Tom had created over the years, and even though her father remained oblivious to Tom's true character, it hadn't escaped his notice that Tom was indeed unusually powerful for his age. Thus it had been no surprise to him that Tom had graduated top of his year in every single subject. In the end, all of this had convinced her father that Tom was perfectly capable of taking care of them, and he had agreed to let her go.


When Tom and Cassiopeia finally arrived in Albania, they felt truly free. The whole world of magic lay before them, there were no more limitations, no more restrictions, no more boundaries. Everything was possible.

They had decided to stay at a small inn for a few nights before finally setting off for the forest where the diadem was supposed to be hidden. When they entered the inn, Tom closed his hand around his wand in his pocket and threw a quick glance around the room, taking in their surroundings with his observant eyes. The dimly lit room was empty aside from the innkeeper who was sitting hunched behind a shabby counter in the back of the room. Tom was just about to draw his wand when Cassiopeia approached the innkeeper. Tom furrowed his brow. The greasy haired, scruffy-looking old man looked up from the paper he had been reading and eyed them suspiciously.

Gesturing vaguely at Tom and herself, Cassiopeia stated, "We wondered if you have two rooms available for a couple of nights."

The man shot her a calculating glance and nodded. "Names?"

Cassiopeia looked back at him and said firmly, "We preferred none."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze sweeping from Cassiopeia to Tom and back to Cassiopeia. Then he nodded again and mumbled, "Fine. But without names the rate's higher."

Cassiopeia produced a few coins from her pocket and laid them on the counter. "I guess that'll do."

The man eyed the money greedily and instantly nodded once again. "Of course, miss. The rooms are yours. If I can be of any service, just let me know." He flashed his yellowish teeth at her.

Tom narrowed his eyes, his fist tightening around his wand in his pocket. The innkeeper fumbled in a drawer and finally shoved two keys across the counter. Pointing in the direction of the stairs to his right, he muttered, "First floor to the left." Then he turned back to the paper he had been reading before.

Cassiopeia took the keys and went to the staircase. Halfway up the stairs she looked over her shoulder. "Are you coming?"

Tom shot a last glance at the innkeeper who didn't pay them any attention anymore, before he quickly followed her up the stairs.

On the first floor to the left there were two doors opposite each other. Cassiopeia opened the door to the room on the left. Looking inside, she slightly wrinkled her nose. Then she opened the other door. The room looked just the same as the first. Cassiopeia muttered, "Well, I guess it'll do," and stepped inside, throwing her bag on the bed.

Tom followed her into the room, his wand now in his hand.

She turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. "Yours is the other."

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