Chapter Three - Turns

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When Tom stood in the Forbidden Forest, outside the range of Hogwarts' protective charms, and turned the rings of the time turner he felt truly excited for the first time since many years. He had shortly pondered if he should send someone else instead of going back in time himself but nobody knew about his Horcruxes and it was crucial that things remained that way. Besides, the quest was going to be difficult and if anyone was going to succeed, it was himself. He took a deep breath and let go of the rings. The time turner started spinning, sending him back in time. He had to admit that it wasn't exactly pleasant. When the spinning finally stopped, Tom found himself still in the same part of the Forbidden Forest as before. He quickly strode towards the castle. It was already past curfew and he would be able to slip inside easily. After all, he knew every inch of this castle. When he entered Hogwarts it felt like coming home. A smirk crossed Tom's face. He quickly went to the second floor girl's bathroom and descended into the Chamber of Secrets without being disturbed by anyone.


Cassiopeia was on her way to the Great Hall for dinner when she heard someone call her name. She turned around and saw Avery hurrying after her. She slightly raised an eyebrow and waited until he was next to her.

"I've got a message for you," he said, holding out a folded parchment. She took it with a questioning look but before she could ask anything he had already rounded the next corner. Cassiopeia stared after him for a moment. Then she opened the note. It was empty. She frowned and tapped it with her wand. She watched as the writing appeared. 'Meet me in the Chamber tonight after dinner. Never mention this note or you are going to regret it. Don't question this, just do it.' Cassiopeia's frown intensified. It was Tom's handwriting and there were instructions on how to open the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets by faking the necessary command in Parseltongue but she didn't understand why Tom would send her this strange note. When she entered the Great Hall she glanced at the Slytherin table but Tom was nowhere to be seen. She took a seat at the Ravenclaw table and repeatedly eyed the Slytherin table during dinner but Tom didn't show up. When she had finally finished, her curiosity got the better of her and she went to the second floor girls' bathroom. She locked the door and cast a Silencing Charm. Then she turned to the sinks. Tom's instructions actually worked and the entrance to the Chamber opened.

When Cassiopeia entered the Chamber, she instantly knew what Tom had done. He was kneeling on the floor and the Chamber was filled with the excruciating screams of an agonizingly tormented soul. Cassiopeia slowly stepped into the hall, her footsteps echoing loudly. Tom looked up and straight into her eyes. For a second she saw something like surprise in his eyes. The next moment it was gone and his eyes were burning like fire. He scrambled to his feet and with a few quick strides he closed the distance between them, pushing her hard against the wall and pressing his lips against hers.

For a moment Tom wondered why she was there and how she had been able to get into the Chamber but then all the questions that were trying to invade his mind were washed away by the burning desire to hold her and be as close to her as he could possibly get. He felt her responding to his kiss, holding him and pulling him close. His mind screamed at him to push her away but he couldn't find it in himself to even move, neither wanting to let go of her nor wanting her to let go.

The older Tom watched them from the shadows of the Chamber, a smirk on his face. He could vividly imagine the frustration his younger self was experiencing. He was out of his own control again, just like it had been the first time. He saw his younger self wanting nothing more than to pull away and yet not being able to even move as if paralysed by some much stronger force. He knew that having to experience this weakness once again was tormenting him much more than all the pain that came with splitting his soul ever could.

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