Chapter Fourteen - Revelations

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The evening after the funeral Cassiopeia went to Tom's bedroom. Tom was lying on his bed and was reading a book. When Cassiopeia opened the door, he lowered the book and threw her a questioning glance.

She closed the door, and, leaning with her back against it, she asked briskly, "Why do you want to return to Albania?"

Tom was slightly taken aback. "I told your brother, we..."

Cassiopeia interrupted him. "I know what you told him, I was there. But I don't want your lies, I want the truth. We haven't been studying in Albania. You wanted the diadem, and you got it. So why do you want to return?"

Tom pursed his lips and gracefully sat up, leaning back against the headboard. He eyed her for a moment before he finally said, "I want knowledge. Knowledge, that can't be gained from books. You know, there are things you have to be shown, things you have to experience, things you have to try for yourself. And, most of all, you need to be at liberty to do so. From what I've seen so far, I can tell that the wizards in Albania truly live their magic. They live the Dark Arts in a way that would never be possible here. Albania is just different. Their government is not as silly and pathetic as ours, imposing all those ludicrous restrictions on the use of magic, oppressing the wizarding community only because of the preposterous fear of exposing the existence of magic to the Muggles."

He paused, and a look of contempt and disdain filled his eyes. "It's not the wizarding community that should be the one in hiding. After all, magic is might. The wizards are the ones with the power. Honestly, I'll never understand why the wizarding community was actually stupid and servile and cowardly enough to establish the International Statute of Secrecy rather than use the power of magic to put the Muggles in their place and create a world ruled by wizards once and for all."

Cassiopeia stared back at him and bit her lip. She felt her stomach clench unpleasantly. For the first time ever Tom had deliberately disclosed his opinion on the wizarding and Muggle world. To be fair, his view didn't come as much of a surprise, but so far her presumptions about his view on Muggles had always been based on pure speculation, so far she had always been able to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now he had finally put his cards on the table. Even though Cassiopeia truly appreciated his honesty, she was painfully reminded of her conversation with Dumbledore so many months ago.

After a moment she asked, "So that's what you want? A world ruled by wizards?"

There was a hint of surprise in Tom's eyes. "Yes, of course. After all, power is all that matters, and Muggles have no power whatsoever. They need to be put straight on that. There's absolutely no reason at all why they should deserve to be the ones in charge of ruling this world."

Cassiopeia held his gaze, trying to figure out whether it made any sense to discuss this with him any further. Finally she decided against it. Instead she asked, "You think you'll get the knowledge you want, if we go to Albania?"

Tom shrugged. "At least I think it's worth a try."

Cassiopeia slowly nodded. She pushed away from the door she had been leaning against and turned to leave.

"Wait." Tom's voice was slightly commanding.

Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow, throwing him a questioning glance.

Tom eyed her for a moment before he said, "There's one thing I want to set straight."

He paused. He was well aware that he had to choose his words carefully if he wanted this to go smoothly. He knew that she hated being patronized, and yet he felt that this conversation was inevitable. He pursed his lips.

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