Chapter Fifteen - Revenge

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Floris lived in a small shack in the forest outside the village. There was no denying that he knew an incredible lot about the Dark Arts. Surprisingly, they actually got along with each other rather well. Floris was uncomplicated and easy-going, and he had a very dry sense of humour. However, Cassiopeia sensed that he had almost as little conscience as Tom, and he seemed to be similarly ruthless. After a while he invited Tom and Cassiopeia to stay at his house, and they accepted his offer.

One evening Cassiopeia was sitting on the old sofa in front of the fireplace. The shabby living room was lit by candles and oil lamps. Outside it was stormy and raining. Floris was rummaging in the back of the room and Cassiopeia was reading a book when Tom got up from the armchair he had been sitting in.

"I'm going to meet Magnus." Tom looked expectantly at Cassiopeia. "Are you coming?"

Cassiopeia threw a glance outside the window. The weather wasn't inviting at all. She slowly shook her head. "I prefer to stay inside."

Tom narrowed his eyes. "Actually, that wasn't exactly a question. We have a deal, you remember?"

Cassiopeia bit her lip. "Just this once," she whispered.

Tom shot a glance at Floris who was occupied sorting Potions ingredients. Finally, he exhaled sharply. "Just this once," he hissed.

When Tom had left the shack, Floris went to the window and watched him walk away. There was a hint of bitterness gleaming in Floris' eyes.

"I really didn't expect him to let you stay." Floris' voice broke the silence.

Cassiopeia looked up from the book she had been reading and threw him a questioning glance.

Floris frowned. "Honestly, what did he do to you that you let him imprison you like that?"

Cassiopeia averted her eyes. "He did....nothing," she stated in a low voice.

"It's a shame how he confines you," Floris huffed.

Cassiopeia stared at the book in her hands. "These are the terms we agreed on before we came over here."

"The terms you agreed on?" Floris snorted. "It's hard to imagine that he gave you a choice."

Cassiopeia pressed her lips together. She knew he was right, after all.

Floris walked over to the fireside and casually sat down on the sofa beside her. He watched her closely. "I know quite a number of Dark Wizards and, to be fair, they are all ruthless. Probably that's the reason why they love the Dark Arts. I don't even claim that I'm an exception. But I know that he's still worse than most of them. There's just nothing inside of him, nothing but coldness. He's empty. And it makes me angry, you know. I can sense the power of your magic, it's so strong, so passionate, so full of emotion. And it's all wasted on him."

Cassiopeia looked into his eyes. They were warm and clear, and there was an understanding shining in them that she had always longed to find in Tom's eyes, but that had never been there. She shortly wondered whether it was real or if he was just even better at acting than Tom.

Floris leaned closer to her. "Don't you sometimes want to know what it's like to be with someone who can feel like you do, someone who can feel at all?" He suddenly grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest. "You see, I've got a heart that's capable of more than just beating. It's warm and alive, not just a stony block of ice."

Cassiopeia cast him a wary glance. He was so close, too close. His words were alluring and tempting and misleading. She felt the warmth of his skin, and it was so different from Tom's, and her heart clenched. Despite Tom's cold, uncaring, emotionless self she still refused to give up hope that there was something inside of him, something that was worth loving.

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