Alden Collins..

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We sat in the respective cars.. I am going with Dean in his Lamborghini. While Sam went with Evan and Casper with Braddon as Brad don't trust Casper with anything!!

Casper can mess anything up!! And he practically attracts trouble!!

"Excited sis?" Dean asked me while driving.

"Damn excited brother!!" I said smiling enthusiastically.

"I'm sure you will love working there!!" He stated.

"I think that too! By the way what's the matter with that deal?" I asked him.

"Nothing much toothless.. You just remember what we told you.. Okay?" He asked.

"Alright!!" I sighed.
The rest of the drive was quite silent.

"Here we are!!" Dean announced as we pulled into the parking.

The rest of the cars pulled in just in seconds after ours and we got out of the car.

"Welcome to Browns and Co. Kids!!" Brad said leading me and Sam to the building.

I had been here many times before this. So practically almost everyone knows us.

"Hey!! Scarlett and Samuel!! Are you two joining from today??" A girl I guess her name is Tessa, asked.

"Yes.. These two are joining from today!" Dean said nodding.

"Oh that's great!!" A guy said. I don't actually know his name.

"Welcome to the office Scarlett and Samuel!!" Another girl said hugging me.

"Thank you guys!!" I said.

"Hey.. Can we please welcome them both later.. Right now we have an important meeting with Mr. Collins." Evan said to everyone.

Few of them nodded and Casper put his hand on my back asking me to move.

We went into the elevator and Brad pushed 38th floor. It is the topmost floor of this building where there are offices of all of my brothers.

Well we got out of the elevator and Braddon led the way towards his office.
His secretary greeted us and we entered his cabin.

He sat on his chair and we all stood there. The view behind his chair was breathtaking. One could see the whole city from there!! It's something I love a lot!!

"So! Mr. Collins will be here any moment.. You guys remember right? No need to interact much with him. Just finalise the deal! He too smart.. The more you interact with him, greater are the chances of getting trapped.. The less you speak, the better..Scarlett you remember what we said, don't you?" Brad asked but I didn't hear it as I was busy looking at the amazing view behind him.

"Scarlett??" Dean repeated and I immediately looked at him.

"Sorry brother.. What did you say?" I asked.

"Brad said you remember what we said?" Evan asked again and I nodded.

"Great now ju-" Brad started but was cut off by the knock on the door.

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