You are gonna pay for this!

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Alden's POV.

I checked all the papers for the last time. This was an important meeting. I needed to get there on time!

I checked my watch and sighed when I realised I still had half and hour.

I again glanced over the work and the numbers on my laptop. And closed it shut leaning back into the chair tilting my head up appreciating the silence and peace.

I closed my eyes for few minutes revising all the things in my mind.
I needed to get the deal! It was important!

After few minutes I got up and wore my suit jacket. I got my bag and a file that I needed.

I called Dave.
"Hello?" His voice came through the phone.

"Dave.. You reached there?" I asked him.

"Yes Alden! I am already there!" He replied.

"Okay! I am leaving now.. So see you in 10. Just send me the address.." I said.

"Your address, sending right away!" He said enthusiastically and I could hear the clicking of keys of his laptop. My phone buzzed and spotted the text from him.

"Got it! See you!" I said and hung up.

I went down using the stairs. I hate to use the elevator.
I stairs are much much better!!

I glanced at my silent office covered in dark.

Black is peaceful. The bright colours strain my eyes. Black is just.. Just.. Peaceful and silent.

I went to my car and got on to the driving seat and brought my car to life.

I entered the address in the GPS. And it beeped showing me the directions. I looked at the route once and started driving when some sound startled me.

What's this???

The music was too loud and irritating. I looked at my music player and I angrily turned that off.

It wasn't more than a minute when some song again started playing.

I said, "Can you give it back to me?"
She said, "Never in your wildest dreams"
And we danced all night to the best song ever


What is happening???????

I turned that off again.

But within a minute it again started playing!

What the HELL IS THIS???????

Ugh!! I punched the music player furiously but that didn't stop and continued singing some annoyingly energetic and loud song!

We knew every line, now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, ye-

What th-

I furiously turned that off. What the hell was wrong with my music player?????

Why the hell it was singing the songs???

It stopped for few minutes and I sighed in relief.

That music was giving me headache!!!

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