Something Challenging

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Alden's POV.

I drove to my house after saying goodnight to her.
This girl is really driving me crazy!
The thought of liking that Trouble makes me want to laugh at myself.

I smiled as I remembered her flushed face.
She looked so damn cute! How I never noticed this before??

And she said she likes me too.. Thank god I met her today and made everything clear! That everything was making me crazy!

David! First of all I am gonna kill that Devil! And then may be thank him! But his plan was childish as Hell!!

But it worked right??

I hate my inner voices!!

I parked my car into the driveway and walked to the door.
I opened it with my keys only to be welcomed by silence and darkness..

The truth of my life..

But Caroline is different.. May be she is the bright colour..

Oh I hate colours! And I am always running away from them but may be I can try someday..

I removed my suit jacket and walked to my room.

I got freshened up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I don't have any maids here..I just like to be alone.. I like this silent house and the darkness here relaxes me.

I never wanted someone to intrude my personal space.

This is the way it has always been!

I was going through the foods I have, when I heard the bell ring.

Who it can be at this point of time?

Confused, I made my way to the door. I opened it to see none other than Dean Brown!

Before I could speak anything, he punched me right across my freaking face.

His eyes and expressions were dangerous! Looked like he could kill someone at this point of time.

And that someone is gonna be me!!

I clenched my fists looking at him furiously.

"What is your problem?" I asked him through gritted teeth.

"Stop this!" He said coming into my house.

"Stop What?" I asked him annoyed,"And after everything, you can't enter my house like this!!" I pointed out.

"Whatever you are doing with my sister! Stop this Al!" He said ignoring my words.

I gave him a pointed look.

"Don't look at me like that! I know you and your player ways very well! My sister is just another girl for you!" He said.

His words made me furious.

"SHE IS NOT! She is not just another girl ! I really like her!" I snapped.

"Oh yeah?" He asked his fist raising up at my face but this time, I was quick enough to stop him.

I held his hand forcefully lowered it.

"I have changed!" I said.

"I can see!" He said sarcastically.

"Look Dean, I can't make you believe.. But I am not gonna hurt her!"

"Huh!" He scoffed.

"I like her!" I said.

"I know how your liking fades away like the rainbow in the sky!" He said sarcastically.

"Dean.. Dude I can't make you believe this! I don't care what you think.. I just am not playing around okay?" I said in a deadly tone.

"I never liked your Player ways Al.. I am sure you remember that! Just stay freaking away from my sister! If you hurt her in any way.. ANY FREAKING WAY, I will personally kill you this time! I never cared because the girls were nothing to me! But this time.. Scarlett is my everything! I won't leave you alive.." He said through gritted teeth and I kept glaring at him.

"I am not gonna hurt her!" I said in firm voice.

"You better not!" He said in the same warning tone as mine.

Then there was this glaring contest between me and Dean.

"I still hate you!" He said venom dripping his voice.

"Same here!" I said in the same tone.

He left with that.

Does he think that I am gonna hurt her??

He was furious! May be Caroline told him or he just saw us.

Dean Brown loosing his cool is not a daily thing.
I have never seen him so angry.
He was always calm in any situation.

Just that day in Brown's and today.. You really need to know never to get him angry! He doesn't easily get angry but when he does, he can kill anyone who comes in his path..

And of course this was about Caroline.. I knew this will happen the moment they know..

Is it only him or everyone else know it??

I picked up my phone to call Caroline but again dropped it on the couch as she must be sleeping by now.

I will not tell her anything! She doesn't need to know any of this.

And As I know Dean, he wouldn't tell her a word either.

I just have to wait and see if he lets her come to Collins' tomorrow.. Which has very thin chance..

I know Caroline won't go against her brothers.. She loves them way too much.. I would never ask her to choose between me or them..

It's completely her decision.. And I know she will choose them..

But I can't blame her..

Let's see what happens now..
My life has turned upside down since she made her dramatic entry!

But whom am I to complain about?

I hate simple easy things!
This is something challenging.. She is challenging..

And I don't know losing..

Holaaa Marshmallows!!
Another U.P.D.A.T.E eh??

I am telling you I don't know why I updated today?!

What you think about this one?
Alden ?
And Dean??

I am sure you got some clue eh??


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