There Is Something

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I knocked on David's cabin door.

"Yea!?" I heard his enthusiastic voice and the clickings of the keys.

I smiled and opened the door.

"Hey!!" He said.

"Hey?? Hey?? That is all you got to say!?? Hey?? What you did yesterday was the worst plan ever! Getting Alden jealous?? Seriously??????" I snapped him.

His plan was really stupid!

Okay! I know I should thank him for whatever he did but a little snapping isn't bad either!

And it is fun as well!!

"Ow.. So he came right?" He asked smirking.


Out of all he has got that to ask??

"Y-yeah!" I stuttered.

"And???" He asked coming round his table and stood in front of me.

"No-nothing!" I said.

I am sure my face was covered with blush.

"Hm hm?" He said clearly not believing my pathetic 'nothing'

"He accepted??" He asked.

"Yea.." I said in a low voice.

"So you guys are together now!!" He stated.

Yes it was more like a statement.

"No.. We haven't been on a single date yet..." I said quickly.

Okay.. That is not a valid excuse!

"Just the matter of time!" He said smirking.


He is just like Casper!

I threw a pen I found on his table at him.

"You both are perfect. Just as violent as him!" He said and I threw another pen.


"Ow! Easy woman!! Easy!" He said and I glared at him.

"Okay! So now let me get to work!" I said ignoring his smirks.

"Yeah! Seems like you forgot as you were busy in throwing damn pens on me." He snapped sarcastically.

I glared at him.

"Yeah.. So tell me how digital security works here!" I said sitting in front of his chair.

He went back to his place.

"Okay.. So we made some changes in it after Caroline hacked it.." He said going on a serious mode.

He clasped his hands together on the table.


"Yeah.. So, after that only the people in the company have access to everything related to their works and nothing else.. And they need Alden to permit them if they need any extra data." He explained.

"Nothing can be done without his permission?" I asked.

"Nope.. It's like he has the password to the data and he allows their laptop to view it." He said.

"Okay..." I nodded thinking.

So no one can see any data they don't need to unless he enters the password.

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