Pieces Of Puzzle

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We sat on the rock there. I looked at him waiting for him to start.

He ducked his head closing his eyes.

"You really don't need to tell me yet.." I said placing my hand on his.

He linked our fingers.

"I want you to know.." He stated.

He is stubborn! Damn stubborn!

I shouldn't have told him this yet!

I knew this was a bad idea!

"So, this is about my parents.." He started.

"My mum was the sweetest woman you will ever see in your life.. She was an artist.. She painted and played Piano.." He said keeping his face emotionless.

I knew this was his trick to appear tough.. We all pull on a mask to hide how we are really feeling, don't we?

Some of us smiles.. Some of us show anger.. And some just stay expressionless, not showing a single emotion.. He was one of them..

"She taught me how to paint and play piano.. We used to have our daily learning lessons.."

Wait! Doesn't he hate colours and music???

" Dad.. He was always busy in the company and work.. But he always had time for me.. My family was like a perfect family in every freaking way.." He said and I again concentrated on him.

"Everything was going great and one day.." He stopped mid sentence.

I squeezed his hand lightly, trying to assure him I was there.. It was okay.. All okay...

"You can stop whenever you want.." I said stroking back go his palm with my thumb.

He nodded.

"One day, my mum just disappeared.." He breathed out.

I forgot how to breath for a moment.. I tried to take in what he just said, trying not to give any extreme reactions and stay as calm as possible.

"She what?" I asked again.

May be I heard it wrong..?

"Disappeared.." He repeated.

"Christ I am so sorry.." I said.

He shook his head..

"The story doesn't end here.. I came home one day from school and called out for mum.. I couldn't live a moment without her.. But there was no response.. I searched the whole house.. She wasn't there.. Then I called Dad.. He came home looking miserable.. Then the cops, the investigation and stuffs.. But we found nothing.. She just left.. Just went.." He said his shoulders dropped.

I was feeling sad and devastated.. I have never seen Alden so .. soo.. Weak.. And believe me it wasn't a great sight to watch...

"I started hating her.. I grew this strong hate towards colours and music after she left.. They just remind me of her.." He said.

I froze as I heard that..

All this time, I had been torturing him.. The songs in the car and my bright coloured outfits..

"Dad was barely home after that incident.. He was mostly working.. He looked pale and tired.. The company went bankrupt while all this.. That wasn't helping either.. The matter of mum going missing was kept hidden from media and everyone.. Dad asked Browns for help.. Your dad refused.. Dean didn't know anything.. I wasn't allowed to tell him anything..."He continued.

I didn't know how to react..

This was something so damn crazy.. My mind went numb..

"I was very young back then.. Just a kid.. One day, when I came back home, I saw my dad lying on the floor with a gun his hand. He shot himself.." He said closing his eyes at the memories.

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