Chapter 22

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Amanda woke up a couple hours later and Julie wasn't in bed. She got up and went to look for her. She saw her standing in the bathroom. She was leaning on the sink. Her wrist was bruised from where she was grabbed, her eye looked worse and she imagined her hip didn't look much better. "JJ?" She walked up to her.

Julie pushed herself off the sink and stood up slowly. She was extremely sore. "I'm ok."

"Of course you are. But you will let me check you out because even though I know you're a great nurse, when it comes to yourself; I know you too well." Amanda said.

"I'm fine, really." Julie said avoiding Amanda's intense gaze.

"Right, so then it shouldn't be a problem." She walked up to Julie and checked her pulse, looked at her wrist and eye, and then told Julie to look at her.

Julie took a deep breath. She did know what Amanda would see and knew what would happen next, but when it came to her nursing Amanda wouldn't let it go. She lifted her eyes to Amanda's.

Amanda looked directly into her eyes and gave her some direction. Then she said, "You're going to the nearest hospital. You have a concussion, I'm sure of it."

"Amanda. You can watch for any problems. You know what to look for." Julie tried.

"No, your pupils are slow to respond, and I can tell your struggling to form your thoughts. You're getting a CT scan and that's the end of discussion." She took Julie by the hand and led her to a chair. "You sit here while I get the stuff and tell the boys. I am not playing with you."

Julie sat down. "Yes ma'am. You don't have to be such a bossy bitch."

"Yes, I do. Now shut up and sit there." Amanda said getting her and Julie's things together. Then she went back to the bedroom area to wake Harry and Niall, and tell them. "Niall babe." She said kissing him. She then gently touched Harry's shoulder. "Harry. Sorry to wake you both. I know you've only been asleep for a couple of hours, but I'm taking JJ to the hospital."

Harry and Niall both sat up quickly. "What?" Harry said standing up quickly.

"I think she has a concussion. Of course she keeps telling me she's fine." Amanda said.

"Jesus Christ." Harry said rubbing his face. "I can't fucking believe this."

"I know, Harry. I just want to make sure there isn't anything more serious. I'm going to warn you. When you go in to see her; she's really bruised. Her wrist has started to bruise where he grabbed her. Her eye is darker. I didn't see her hip but I'm sure that's just as bad. She's struggling to articulate what she's thinking."

He sat down on the end of the bed. He put his head in his hands and tried not to cry. "I can't handle this."

Amanda put her hand on his back. "You can. I know its hard. But maybe now that she sees how many people will stand up for her, and protect her she will be able to move on. Be who she's meant to be."

"We didn't do a very good job if she's beat up like that." He said standing up and trying to calm down before he went to see her.

Niall stood up. "Who the hell would have thought he would show up, out of the blue, in Vegas. I mean, why would we think we needed to watch."

"I know." Harry said. "Fuck that asshole."

Amanda laughed. "Truest statement yet."

They all walked out to where Julie was. Harry went to sit on the table in front of her. She was in the chair with her head in her hands. He put his hands on her shoulders. When she slowly sat up and he saw her face, he gasped. "I cannot believe I let this happen to you."

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