Chapter 24

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A couple weeks later, Julie and Amanda were boarding their plane to go to visit Niall and Harry. They were going to meet in London for a few days, and then Niall was going to take Amanda to Ireland. Amanda had just hung up with Niall, and Julie was just saying her goodbyes to Harry as they were taking their seats.

"You know you should have told me about the mom plans before I actually got on the airplane Harry." Julie said lifting her carry on into the overhead bin.

"I know you too well. You would have argued and I wanted to make sure your ass got on the airplane." He laughed.

"Well you're in loads of trouble." She said as she slid into her seat.

"I like being punished by you." He laughed.

"Oh good lord. I have to go now and shut my phone off." She said as she started to get situated.

"Alright baby. I will see you in like 10 hours." He said. "I can't wait. And mum can't wait to meet you either."

"Oh shut up." She said pushing her bag under her seat. "Alright, see you soon. Love you." She said as she hung up the phone and turned it off. She sat up and got everything in its place.

Amanda just stared at Julie. She didn't even know what to say. She wasn't even sure Julie realized what just happened. Nope she didn't, at least not at first. She definitely did now though. She watched Julie look at her phone and then she watched Julie's eyes get really big.

"Oh my god." Julie exclaimed.

Amanda watched Julie drop her phone almost like it was burning her hands. She bent down and picked it up for her.

"Oh my god." Julie said again.

"So you've said." Amanda handed her phone back. The plane was starting to taxi. She watched Julie look around. "Nope, it's too late to get off." Amanda said trying not to laugh. She knew that's exactly what Julie was thinking.

"Amanda." Julie warned.

"Oh no you called me Amanda." She said again trying to mask her laughter.

"This is not funny." Julie warned again.

"The look on your face is pretty priceless." Amanda said a little laugh escaping.

"Shut the fuck up." Julie said. What did she do? How could she just let those words slip from her mouth. She had never said it to him before. She ended a lot of calls with those words, but not to Harry. She didn't even think. It just happened. What did that mean? And now there was at least a 10 hour plane ride to think about it. To ponder it. To worry about what he now thought. "Son of a bitch." She said out loud.

Amanda laughed out loud this time. Leave it to JJ to completely over react and think so deeply about it. She was convinced awhile ago Harry and JJ loved each other. She knew neither would admit it, but you could tell. Well at least she could. Or she wanted to believe it. When she brought it up to Niall though he wouldn't discuss it. Said she needed to stay out of it. Now that JJ slipped though, she was more convinced than ever. It was quite humorous though that once again she didn't realize it until after she said it.

"Well that was interesting." Harry said out loud but to himself.

"What was interesting?" Louis asked appearing behind him. They were doing radio interviews that afternoon and were in between interviews at the moment.

"I just got off the phone with Julie. She just got on the plane. She said something before she hung up I wasn't expecting." Harry said.

"What did she say?" He asked.

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