Chapter 30

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After a while of walking around, the girls found that they had wandered into the boutique area close to the hotel.

"Wow." Amanda said. "Look at these shops. All these clothes."

"Yeah I think these are the boutiques that the hotel works with. When we checked in they asked Harry if he wanted to have the ability to charge things from the boutiques to the room. And if both of us could." Julie said. "I thought that was crazy."

Amanda looked at her. "Well what did he say?"

"He said yes, of course. It's Harry." Julie said looking at the clothes in the window and the price tags. She shook her head, her whole wardrobe probably cost less than some of those dresses.

"Let's go in." Amanda said pulling her hand and into the shop.

"Are you crazy? Have you seen those prices?" Julie said.

"Yes, we can still try them on. And Harry can afford it." She looked at Julie.

"I'm not in the habit of spending his money. Especially out of spite." Julie said.

"Please, it's not like we have to get the most expensive clothes in the place. He gave you the option to charge things. He obviously wants you to be able to shop." She started looking through things. "Plus, we need something to go out in. And I figure you wouldn't want to go back to the room to get it." She raised her eyebrows at Julie.

Julie sighed. She really didn't know what to do. When the sales person came over and basically told them in so many words they didn't think they could afford their shop and looked down her snooty nose at them, Julie handed them the room key from the hotel which linked to her ability to charge the clothes. She was mad they would just assume things. When they saw the information on the computer, that was linked to the card, they changed their tune drastically. Julie took the card back. "You know what Panda? I think there were things at another shop I liked better. Let's go there instead." Even though they pleaded with her to stay she walked out with Amanda to another boutique. Now she wanted to buy things, but hopefully with some more friendly staff.

Amanda had Julie trying out lots of outfits. It was a surreal experience. When they got to the next boutique they were offered champagne right away and a personal sales assistant before they knew what type of charging they were able to do. When Julie handed them the room key and they looked it up it only got better from there. It was the best shopping experience Julie ever had. If it was always like this she might like to shop.

"Oh, my god JJ! You have to get that outfit." Amanda looked at Julie. The tight black leather pants fit her perfectly. They rested perfectly on her hips. The fitted silver shiny crop top came to rest right above her belly button and showed off just enough to make it completely sexy. The high heeled black shoes made her legs look longer.

Julie laughed uncomfortably. "I don't know Panda. This is not something I would wear."

"That's the point JJ. We're in Paris for crying out loud. This is the time for the unexpected." Amanda said.

"Well than you need to get that." Julie said. Amanda was in a similar outfit. She had on tight black leather pants in a different style. They also had a red stripe down the outside of each leg which went perfectly with the tight red sequined top. The top had a strap around her neck and showed a lot of back. It had a cut out that made sure to show just enough cleavage and rested slightly above her belly button. The look was completed with the red high heeled shoes.

"Deal." Amanda laughed.

Julie couldn't believe she was doing this. She didn't believe she had the ability but all she did was sign a slip to charge it to the room, and that was it, they got to wear the clothes right out of the store. They walked past the first boutique they went in. They still couldn't believe the difference in staff. Not that they would care what their opinion was. Next, they went and got their hair and make-up done. They talked to the beauticians and got the scoop on the best place to go to have fun that night. They had a couple of glasses of champagne at the salon also. This place was great. They took some pictures together, thanked them, Julie signed the slip and off they went.

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