Part 12

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The three sat around a campfire Chara had built, the tension thick. Frisk held onto the belt tight, glancing from Asriel to Chara. Finally, the redhead sighed. 

"It was after the First Reaping. Strife, an adopted mortal child of Toriel, was chosen to be the first to die. Toriel, in disgust, left the other gods and settled in the Ruins. One day, she found a mortal child, close to death." She gulped, eyes glancing to the belt. "Her name was Frisk. Toriel could not turn the child immortal, so she did the next best thing."

Frisk gulped. "She turned her in the first demigod. Right?"

Asriel nodded. "Yeah. Frisk became the demigoddess of mercy. One day, G, the god of Death himself, saw her and fell in love."

"What happened?"

Chara sighed. "He lived with his passion, the Underworld growing more dark and cold the longer G pined for Frisk. Until, one day, he could no longer live without her..."


The field was sweet with the scent of the summer flowers. A girl, dressed in white, was picking flowers while her attendants slumbered. Frisk noted a lovely pansy and plucked it.

Then her eyes settled on a beautiful white lily. Her eyes widened in delight as she reached out...

And it died. The blinding white withered away into black and the head slumped.

"Sorry." A male voice said. Frisk looked up into golden eyes. The skeleton didn't seem sorry. "Those kind of things just happen around me."

"Y-You're Death."

"That I am." He said, black cloak fluttering in a non existent breeze. Frisk gulped. Was he here to take her life? "I'm not here to kill you."

"Why are you here?" Frisk asked. "Are you here for one of the nymphs?" Yet, as she asked, the youth knew he was here for her.

"No." He muttered, cupping her chin. His thumb slowly stroked her cheek. "Don't be afraid of me."

"Why are you here?" Frisk repeated, voice tight in terror.

"I'm here for you." G whispered.

Before he could kiss her, Frisk turned and ran without a word. She could hear the sounds of pursuit after her, and that only made her run faster.

"Leave me alone!" She yelled over her shoulder. But G didn't stop his pursuit, running faster. Frisk gulped back a sob, unsure of what to do.

Dishonor her mother and the gift Toriel had given her by giving into Death's advances, or...

Frisk pulled her knife out and when G was about to grab her, thrusted down.


G caught her body, watching in horror as the red stained the white of her dress. He yanked the knife out of her heart and threw it aside. "F-Frisk?" He whispered, watching hazel eyes dull into death. 

He screamed his grief into the sky as he held the cold corpse of his beloved.


"Toriel decided to honor her daughter's sacrifice by inventing reincarnation, so you would never be in the Underworld." Chara explained. "I am Strife, while you are Mercy."

Frisk gulped. "Has G's feelings for her- me changed?"

"No. He still loves you, after centuries."

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