Chapter 2

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October 2nd, 2015:

Annie's POV:
Last night was the by far horrible worst night of my life. It's 4am and I can't sleep because I lost my only brother. In a few days we find out what happened to Caleb and what caused his death. I don't think I can handle any more news. I wait until 7am to get out of bed then I go down to a quiet family eating breakfast in silence. I sit down and they all asked if I was okay. I lied saying I was fine.

Hayley POV:

I saw Annie walk in and just sit down and not touch her food so we all asked if she was okay and she said she was fine. I know by the look on her face she is not fine. So I asked "hey Annie how about we make a fort today?".

She began to yell at me saying "HOW CAN YOU THINK OF BUILDING A FORT WHEN SOMEONE WE LOVE THE MOST DIED LAST NIGHT!?" I started to cry and I run to my room then slams the door. I cry into my pillow then mumbles to myself "I was only trying to make her feel better". I fell asleep finally and I heard someone come in my room. And I wake up to see Annie. I turn over towards the wall then cries silently into my blanket.

Annie's POV:

After everyone asks if I was okay, hayley asked to build a fort today. I yelled at her for building a fort when Caleb died yesterday so we're supposed to be sad. Hayley ran off crying to her room. I instantly felt horrible for yelling at my little sister.

Mommy said "that was just mean" then daddy said "go say sorry to hayley right now!" I groan and get up to go to hayley's room. I hear silence in her room so I went in and she woke up from what seems like a nap and she turned over facing the wall. So I began talking "I'm sorry hayley, I am so emotional right now. I didn't mean to yell at you" Hayley turned over and faced me and said "you really hurt me annie, I was trying to make you feel better."

Then I said "I know little sis and I appreciate that, you wanna go build a fort now?" Then hayley shot out of bed and hugged me tight. We said we loved each other then went to build a fort.

Hayley's POV:
When Annie starts talking, I started listening. She said how she felt so I said how I felt. We forgave each other. Then I heard the words I thought she would never say "you wanna go build a fort together" I shot out of bed and hugged my big sister! We went to build a huge fort then we heard mommy and daddy yell "family meeting" so we run to the living room and sit down.

Mommy and daddy POV:
We called a family meeting because we need to discuss the issues if we continue bratayley or we don't.

Daddy POV:
Girls, we called this family meeting because we want to know your opinions on continuing bratayley. We need to think long and hard about this.

Mommy's POV:
I know it's hard losing Caleb but we need to think if Caleb would want us to end our channel because of his death.

Annie's POV:
I listen to mommy and daddy about continuing our channel or not. I teared up and realized we needed to celebrate life for caleb's sake. We need to continue bratayley in his memory.

Hayley's POV:
Mommy and daddy said we need to decide if we're keeping bratayley or not. I thought about how my brother would be sad in heaven if we stopped bratayley and moped around because of his death so we need to celebrate his life and live on his memory in bratayley.

Annie and hayley's POV:
Mommy, daddy? We decided we should celebrate life for caleb's sake and keep the channel going in his memory. Mommy and daddy agreed. Daddy pulled out the camera!

Daddy's POV:
Hey guys, we know we haven't been posting videos for a few weeks but as you all found out that our beloved Caleb Logan has passed away. We have made a decision that we will continues posting videos for Caleb because that's what Caleb would have wanted. We will continue to grieve and miss him everyday *holds back tears* but we will try not to show that on the camera's. Remember to always celebrate life! *turns camera off*

Mommy's POV:
I see Billy vlogging about our decision and watches him hold back tears. My heart hurts for Caleb too but Billy is taking it worse because Caleb was his only son. When he put down the camera. He let the tears fall and I hug him. I tell him we need to celebrate life and Caleb wouldn't want us to be sad over him

Annie and hayley's POV:
We walk into daddy and mommy's room and sees them crying. We immediately joined the hug and finally we all stopped the tears.

Mommy's POV:
Who wants to order pizza and have friends over?

All together they screamed "YES"

Around dinner time..

*the doorbell rings*

Annie's POV:
We were watching tv then the doorbell rings and I go answer it to find out it was my friends and the pizza guy. I shouted for mommy "mommy pizza is here!" And mommy paid the man then my friends came in and gave out lots of hugs. We are our pizza then  we sat in the living room.

Hayley's POV:
Annie's friends were over and I felt all the attention was on Annie so I spoke up when we were sitting in the living room. I said "Can we share our favorite moments of caleb!?" They all agreed except for Annie who yelled "I DON'T WANNA SPEAK ABOUT CALEB!" then she ran to her room but she turned around and said to me "you are the most horrible little sister and I wish you have never been born" then she ran to her room and we heard the door slam.

Well that stung I thought to myself then I started hysterically crying, I felt mommy's arms around me and is telling me it's not my fault. Daddy hugged me too and so did Annie's friends. I felt loved from everyone else except annie!

Annie's POV:
My friends and family were sitting in the living room and all the sudden hayley spoke up and wanted to share our favorite moments of Caleb and I got angry and yelled that I didn't want to speak about Caleb and I started to run.

Then I turned around to face Hayley and said " Your are the most horrible little sister and I wish you were never born!" Then I ran up to my room crying and slammed the door then thought to myself "hayley doesn't understand the fact that were supposed to be sad!" I cried myself to sleep.

Mommy's POV:

I said goodbye to Annie's friends and hayley cried herself to sleep on the couch because of what Annie said so I guess I have to talk to Annie tomorrow and figure out why she is taking it out on her sister!

Billy carried hay-hay to her room and now Billy and I are going to bed. Time for the question of the day.
Q: what is the meanest thing you have said to someone?

Katie: leave me alone, you don't exist to me!

Billy: get the hell out of my house!

Well there you go! Don't forget to comment the answer the question of the day in the comments below and don't forget to celebrate life! *turns camera off *

Katie and Billy go to bed.

Authors note: if you are reading this thank you! Give me ideas! There will be sad parts in this story but I guess that's what makes it good right? I will update maybe again today 3/17 or tomorrow 3/18

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