chapter 1: the cornucopia

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This is the first chapter! Before we start, sorry if your character dies in this chapter, most of it is random selection, and what I have most inspiration to write (I am going to have another chatroom where nobody dies, and I'll post it later after this one is down). Also, if your character wasn't in this much (and I mean briefly mentioned) but survived, I guarantee that they'll make an appearance bigger later on! I did try to feature every character, though.

Anyways, please be a good sport, and enjoy! :)

And here it starts...


The gong sounded.

Everybody ran off their podiums and into the tropical island that was the arena, and then started the 54th games. 

The first into the cornucopia were the careers, making sure no one else got what was there's. Jess picked up a spear on her way to the center, and greeted Chip, right after his feet left the ground, and left him lying on the ground. Cole rushed by her, grabbing a knife that was beside her.

Kelvin and Zane run past the careers and into the forest. They were close allies, and made a great friendship in the Capitol, and they know that they aren't the type of people that would stay behind the gather supplies. They checked to see if anyone was following them, and were happy that no one except Venus was in their area, someone they knew would never hurt them.

Fredia followed the careers, and grabbed an axe and fought with Kay-Jen. He glared at her close in her eyes, and he kicked her in the leg, sending her down. She swung her axe but he hit her first with his knife in her chest. Fredia cried out, and stabbed Kay-Jen in his chest. They both fell, dead.

Skylar come upon Kay-Jen and Fredia, and grabbed the axe from Fredia's fallen hand. She made eye contact with Ren, who was hiding in the cornucopia, and ran upon him. Ren stumbled backward, desperately trying to find something in the cornucopia, but when he finally found a spear, Skylar threw her axe.

Ren ducked as quickly as possible, for Skylar's axe had made flour spill from behind him. Skylar ducked down and looked for another weapon. Ren grabbed their spear, and aimed it at the girl when something stopped them. They couldn't seem to let the spear fly from their hand.

They had never killed anyone, and couldn't think of anyway that it could help them. Right when they thought that Skylar was going to throw something else, Cole came from behind and stabbed her. Skylar fell onto the ground, dropping her arrow she was holding. Cole stared at Ren, but rethought about it as Jess called his name. He ran to the source, leaving Ren running into the woods.

Joel and Chancey ran behind Cole and Jess. They knew they had to be allies, for they were neighbors back in District Twelve. Joel begged Chancey not to go into the cornucopia, but she said she had to get even a little close. Joel pulled her back out, and Chancey managed to get a backpack before running into the forest. 

As they ran by, they came eye to eye with Amethyst. She hadn't went by the cornucopia, for she knew that if she had she would've been positively killed. She was a career, but there was no way she was going to ally with the official career pack. No way. She had actually wanted to join Kelvin or Zane, but they ran away from her and paired up with each other, so if she was going to at all she would do it later.

Zeon wasn't the one for allies. For him, it was a word that was ever so foreign to him. He preferred to work alone, especially in a matter of literal life-or-death. So when he found a bow and arrow lying before Skylar's body in the cornucopia, he didn't hesitate grabbing it. As he grabbed a green backpack and started running, he spotted something behind him. A dark shadow, a figure of girl pointing her crossbow at him. Sarah blinked furiously, fighting back tears. She didn't want to kill, but she had no choice.

He pointed his bow and arrow at her, and shot. Sarah was shocked, and fell back onto her back. Zeon didn't look back at her body, and ran into the trees, finding Fiona already in there. He loaded another arrow, and shot it at the moving girl. She shrieked as it went right above her head, but kept running. He realized he had limited arrows, so aimed another right at her head, but he couldn't catch up to her. He gave up, putting his arrow back into pouch and running away from Fiona.

Skya followed Jess, the obvious leader of the pack. She definitely knew that she wasn't, for that she didn't say a word since the games started, unlike Jess who had been bragging about killing the boy from District 10, Chip, she thought he was called. She eyed Diandra, who hadn't spoken a word yet, either. She was found of that twelve-year-old, she thought. She couldn't stand to see her little life taken away from her. She stood beside her in the cornucopia, but didn't make eye contact. Just watched the other careers throwing their swords.

Jacob laughed as his friends-or who he could call "allies"-threw their very best shots at a running Lee. Lee was the last of the tributes, Rosaline, Demi, and Alexsandr right ahead of her. She knew she wasn't fast, but she had to try. She grabbed a backpack and dodged the knives thrown by the careers. Jacob threw one and it landed straight into her backpack. Lee screamed as it grazed her wrist. She ran as fast as she could, dropping the backpack, to the back of the cornucopia.

Cole aimed his next knife at Jonathon, someone who had taken the time to pick up every fallen tribute's weapon. He threw one back at Cole, but missed dreadfully. But Cole wasn't off, and hit him straight in the stomach.

Jess, Cole and Jacob laughed. "Then, I guess, we'll make camp here!" Jess shouted playfully. "Most protection and weapons!" Lee pressed her ear to the metal, but it was no use. She decided to just run out into the woods, leaving the cornucopia area clear of living souls besides the careers.

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